Questions tagged [cloudamqp]

An externally hosted RabbitMQ instance

CloudAMQP is a cloud-based RabbitMQ service that has interfaces in many different languages.

Full documentation

63 questions
1 answer

using rabbitmqadmin to access CloudAMQP / Heroku

I'm starting out to learn about AMQP and RabbitMQ. To get myself going I have used a CLI tool, rabbitmqadmin, to successfully publish data to a RabbitMQ development install I have created upon my Mac OS X box. So far so good, I can publish messages,…
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Can't get SSL to work with MassTransit and cloudamqp

I've been struggling to figure out how I'm meant to configure MassTransit and our new dedicated cloudamqp instance to work with SSL (note:everything is working without SSL fine). I tried adding the UseSsl line in the code below, which I found in…
Ben Thomson
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Not able to connect rabbitmq from kubernetes cron jobs

I am using rabbitmq at a remote ( and I create a cron job on Kubernetes. On my local machine, my job is working fine and the Kubernetes cronJob schedules perfectly well but the Job redirects the rabbitmq connection URL to…
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RabbitMQ with sidekiq

I have two rails applications, App1 and App2(added cloudAMQP gem) in heroku, App1 is producing some message when click on a button App1 class Publisher def publish # Start a communication session with RabbitMQ connection =…
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cloudampq client does not connect to rabbitmq server

my code is as shown below: var mqtt = require('mqtt'), url = require('url'); var url = "mqtt://cloudamqp_username:cloudamqp_password@hostname:port"; var options = { port: 1883, clientId: 'mqttjs_' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8), …
Mrugesh Thaker
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RabbitMQ API returning incorrect queue statistics

I'm working with RabbitMQ instances hosted at CloudAMQP. I'm calling the management API to get detailed queue statistics. About 1 in 10 calls to the API return invalid numbers. The endpoint is…
Matt S
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Spring & CloudAMQP on Heroku giving "Unknown Host Exception"

I am trying to get Spring to work with CloudAMQP on the heroku platform. This is my context:
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writing a json object to buffer in nodejs

I am trying to use amqplib a AMQP 0-9-1 library and client for Node.JS and I have a question about buffers. How can I write a JSON object to them. The channel.publish requires content in the form of a buffer. And after I publish the message, when…
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Cannot connect to any rabbitmq cloud service

I was working fine with cloudamqp until all of a sudden wascally/rabbot stopped being able to connect to my endpoint. I have installed RabbitMQ locally and my system works fine. I have since then tried to setup a RabbitMq instance on Heroku via…
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Celery works with local broker url but not with a url from CloudAMQP

I'm using Celery to handle background tasks in my flask app and I have troubles making it work with CloudAMQP celery = Celery(, broker=app.config["BROKER_URL"], backend="amqp://" ) where the broker url is…
Ali Faki
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1 answer

ColdFusion/RabbitMQ Fails on factory.newConnection()

I'm attempting to connect my Coldfusion app to CloudAMQP's RabbitMQ service. I've been able to create the java object, but when I attempt to create a newConnection(), it fails miserably. I'm thinking it may have something to do with my config?…
Chris Geirman
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1 answer

Create connection from RabbitMQ to ActiveMQ

I have details of a ActiveMQ server which i would like to connect to and view the data availble. I would like to use RabbitMQ(CloudAMQP). I have read the documentation, but I cant work out how to make this connection? The connection details I have…
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Getting a "Error Connecting to server (111): Connection refused" from CloudAMQP

I am prototyping a message queue solution developed using CodeIgniter. The code is hosted on a GoDaddy basic shared hosting plan and connects to a trial instance of RabbitMQ on CloudAMQP. I use the videlalvaro/php-amqplib library. The solution…
Vikas Mujumdar
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ssl with django, celery, cloudamqp and heroku

I’m trying to connect my django heroku app with cloudamqp over ssl. Without it works fine. To use ssl in celery I set BROKER_USE_SSL settings variable to True. Unfortunately the default 5672 port can’t handle ssl. So I tried to set the heroku config…
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Number of connections to RabbitMQ when using Django with Celery on Heroku

I'm trying to understand what is happening between Web-Dynos, Worker-Dynos and RabbitMQ on my Heroku-hosted backend. I notice that I have over 10 connections to RabbitMQ, although I so far I'm using one Web-Dyno and one Woker-Dyno. I am using…
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