Questions tagged [clipboard]

The clipboard is a software facility that can be used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations.

It is most commonly a part of a GUI environment and is usually implemented as an anonymous, temporary block of memory that can be accessed from most or all programs within the environment via defined programming interfaces. A typical application accesses clipboard functionality by mapping user input (keybindings, menu selections, etc.) to these interfaces.

The semantics of the clipboard facility varies from one operating environment to another, and can also vary between versions of the same system. They can sometimes be changed programmatically or by user preference. This can lead to user frustration when switching between environments with different clipboard semantics particularly as copy and paste operations often become embedded in the user's muscle memory.

Most environments support a single clipboard transaction. Each cut or copy overwrites the previous contents. Normally, paste operations copy the contents, leaving the contents available in the clipboard for further pasting operations.

3533 questions
3 answers

VBA .SetText and .PutInClipboard putting two symbols in clipboard instead of desired data

Using Excel 2016 and a reference to the Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library, I'm trying to copy the ActiveCell's contents to my clipboard. Instead, the resulting contents of my clipboard are the following 2 symbols (if they'll actually show up in…
Cody Mayers
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1 answer

Delphi, retrieve both visible text and hidden hyperlink when pasting into a delphi application

How can I do that? I've been looking all over the internet to find some clues but failed. You can click on a link in the browser and copy it and then paste it into a word doc document for example. I using a tcxGrid with some fields and want to…
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How paste text from clipboard to the cursor area in a textbox

How paste text from clipboard to the cursor area in a textbox? With code below we can change entire text of textbox : radTextBox1.Text = Clipboard.GetText(); But what about pasting on cursor area?
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2 answers

Empty register in vimscript

How do I empty a register if the user enters the name of the register? p.e. let r = inputdialog(toregister) let @r = "" (r = character received from inputdialog) This doesn't work either: let @{r} = ""
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1 answer

How do I modify string from clipboard before paste in a TextFIeld?

The TextField type (I'm using QML, but shouldn't matter) provides a paste() method. However, I would like to be able to strip all white space from the clipboard data before the paste happens. There doesn't seem to be any hooks provided by Qt to do…
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0 answers

Typescript angular 7, copy to clip board

I want to make a very simple input-group with an input that is disabled and a button that copies the input value to the clipboard. When it has been copied i want a small message popping up saying it was. Is there any good way to do this? this…
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1 answer

Copy rich text to clipboard with styles from css-classes

I've used this method to copy rich text from an html element. The problem is that if styles are not inlined in the html, but come from css, this method doesn't work. The existing code breaks the formatting and doesn't take the styles into account.…
Eugene Barsky
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1 answer

Text to clipboard

I want to put a text to clipboard, my code : #include void copier_dans_presse_papier(const char *s) { if(OpenClipboard(NULL)) { HGLOBAL h; EmptyClipboard(); h = GlobalAlloc(GHND, strlen(s) + 1); …
El virtuos
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1 answer

UIPasteboard unable to copy text with expiration time multiple times

I'm calling: UIPasteboard.general.setItems([[kUTTypePlainText as String: text]], options: [.localOnly: true, .expirationDate: expirationTime]) to copy text per button click. However, after the expiration time has elapsed (30 seconds), the copy…
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1 answer

pipe text from clipboard to the prompt in Powershell

What I am looking to do is open an elevated PS instance from an already open PS instance and then pipe the command from the clipboard to the prompt not just the window.
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1 answer

C# Copying and pasting an object

So I'm trying to copy and paste an object and having trouble getting it right. I've searched through the topics but I still can't seem to get it to work. Here is the code: In one solution in Visual studio I have the the class: namespace test4 { …
1 answer

How to pipe into and out of dos2unix on a mac

The below "one liner" explains what I'm trying to do: pbpaste > ~/Documents/convertme.txt; \ dos2unix -c mac ~/Documents/convertme.txt && \ cat ~/Documents/convertme.txt | pbcopy && \ rm -vfr ~/Documents/convertme.txt I don't like creating a…
Jeremy Iglehart
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1 answer

How to place ENML on Windows clipboard so that pasting into Evernote works

When the Windows clipboard has content copied from Evernote, it includes a data object with the format type "ENML Format". For example, if I copy "Chirp Chirp" from a note within Evernote for Windows, I see the following data on the clipboard,…
Mark McClelland
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1 answer

Javascript clear clipboard after 1 minute

I am currently copying a text to clipboard using the following code: navigator.clipboard.writeText(element.value).then(function() { /* clipboard successfully set */ }, function() { /* clipboard write failed */ console.log('Copy to…
Pratanu Mandal
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1 answer

How can I paste from clipboard in serveur?

I have an issue with my angular project, in localhost when i test my function which paste data from clipboard it's work well clipboard.js file : function pasteClipBoard(){} pasteClipBoard.prototype.clipboardData = function clipboardData(textbox){ …
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