Questions tagged [cheerio]

Questions about Cheerio, an implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.

Implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.

1350 questions
1 answer

Does pure javascript functions work in cheerios

Does functions like substring indexOf ,lastIndexOf,Substring etc work in cheerios ?? Does these work in cheerio I want to know which all native javascript functions in cheerio var s=$( "body" ).html(); var…
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Node.js async order

While I was using async module and bookshelf.js orm, duplicate records (person roles) are being added to the database even though I check before adding them, I couldn't figure out why. In a nutshell, here's what I'm trying to achieve. Visit some…
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Node.js + request + for loop : Runs twice

I created a simple scraper using cheerio and request client but it doesn't work the way I want. First I see all the "null returned, do nothing" messages on the terminal and then see the names, so I think it first checks all the urls that returns a…
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Nodejs / Javascript on input CTRL+C console.log

I currently use this script to restart my script. catch(err){ console.log(err) webhook.send(`Error monitoring ****, restarting monitor.`) await browser.close() await sleep(monitorDelay) return checkStock(page,…
1 answer

Scraping a website returns an unexpected empty value in Node.JS

I am trying to scrape a player count on a website but my code keeps returning empty. What did I do wrong? I'm trying to scrape this website: and the value I want to console.log is Players:…
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2 answers

Use Cheerio in an Angular project

I've got an Angular web-scraping project that I'm trying to use Cheerio in. I have included Cheerio into my angular.json file. When I include Cheerio into my App component I get the following error message: index.js:43 Uncaught ReferenceError:…
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1 answer

How to get all siblings between each table header using JQuery or Cheerio

I need to do a web scraping on a HTML page with a table with multiple table headers E.g.: ... ... …
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2 answers

I need a web scraper to use for a performance critical project?

Can anybody recommend a web parser(python or node.js) to be used in project that requires speed? I'm currently using bs4(lxml) but it doesn't seem to be the fastest. You can see here a speed test comparison between bs4 and pure…
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2 answers

How to run a js file?

I'm trying to get all links of the articles of one blog ( ) so I can compile them into a pdf, but i'm a complete noob in javascript. Somebody on reddit told me to use this code, which is supposed to do what I want…
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Web Scraping Node.js in DOM page

I want to get information from the site using Node.js I tryied so hard, and ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶f̶a̶r̶ . So, I want to get a magnet URI link, this link is in:
Awesome Man
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1 answer

Scrape data from website from on change event using node.js

I'm trying scrape data from one website. In that when page load there is drop down list and I have to select specific value from the dropdown. For scrapping data from web I'm using cheerio reference link is…
Sachin Shah
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4 answers

How do I get the 'src' attribute from an image tag?

I have the following HTML and I am trying to get the img src attribute: Image Thumbnail Here is how I am attempting to get the url after I…
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3 answers

Array.push not pushing properly

EDIT: I've added the res.send(json), wasn't included the snippet. I'm trying to extract/scrape a website and combine their output into json data. However when I run the endpoint, the response combines every result into its key, instead of adding a…
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2 answers

jQuery. Find all attribute values within/under elements `script or noscript or iframe` that have attribute keys as `src or href`

I want to be able to find all attribute values that have attributes keys as src or href under elements ('script', 'noscript', 'iframe').
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