Questions tagged [cells]

Cells are atomic elements within a structure composed of columns and/or rows, such as a table or grid.

Cells can contain hardcoded values, computed values based on functions, visualizations based on computed values, or external objects.


826 questions
3 answers

how to merge html table columns(or cells) based on their ids by using javascript or jquery?

i am having the following html. …
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1 answer

Coloring cells below the first row in Excel VBA

everyone. I working on a project in Excel/VBA and have encountered some problem. So, Set wsMain = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3) is the worksheet I need the coloring and I currently have With wsMain .Columns("A:AO").AutoFit …
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1 answer

copying excel cells one by one and not range at once

I'm developing some excel macros, and now I'm stucked with following, I want the macro getting the cells from another file and put it on the new one but it is important to consider that copy the full range is not an option, so for example first i…
1 answer

Sample N cells meeting a distance condition in r

I'm a beginner in r programming and I'm trying to sample 25 cells all of them separated by a minimum distance "d". I have a b=c() # vector to store the selected cells b[1]=sample(a,1) # randomly sampling the…
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1 answer

Set part of JTable cells uneditable

I created JTable in eclipse using "Design" option and now I want to make some cells uneditable. This is my code: public Frame(int choice) { initComponents(); defaultModel = (DefaultTableModel) m0.getModel(); if (choice == 0)…
1 answer

Put all the Row value to CELLS Python

How can i put all the Rows value to cell rows = db().select(i.INV_ITEMCODE, n.INV_NAME, orderby=i.INV_ITEMCODE, join=n.on(i.POS_TASKCODE == n.POS_TASKCODE)) for r in rows: code = str(r.db_i_item.INV_ITEMCODE) desc = str(r.db_i_name.INV_NAME)…
  • 11
2 answers

Delete #NULL! in blank cells

While exporting an SPSS (.sav) data file to excel, the blank cells were imputed as #NULL! .Is there any way to overcome this? Even, we can replace the #NULL! by find and replace in Excel, but i need to do this in SPSS end itself. Please…
1 answer

TableView Controller -Swift

I'm trying to present an array of names into cells of tableview controller. Here's the code: import UIKit class TableViewController: UITableViewController { var names = ["aA", "aB", "cC"] override func…
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1 answer

Sum cells by group in data frame

I have a huge data frame that looks like this: and I want to sum the cells in column V9 according to V3; for example, I want to sum every V9 cell when V3=="Acrelândia".
1 answer

Two customize cells in UITableView

I would like to know if it's possible to have 2 customize cells in one UITableView ? Because I would like to have two different type of cells in one view : the first row will be big (with white background on screenshot), and after simple row (with…
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1 answer

Splitting Cells in Excel with formulas

I have a customer data sheet exported from QuickBooks to Excel. All of the info is in a single cell. I'm wanting to bring it out to new columns. Data includes: FirstName LastName 123 Address Road City,ST 29999 803-555-5555 All of the data is…
1 answer

In main sheet there is 800 names(A1:A800). Each cell should go to different sheet with an order. First cell to first sheet etc

I have nearly 800 cells(A1:A800) in my main sheet. Each cell should copy to different sheet with an order. First cell in main sheet('main'!A1) copy to first sheet('1'!A1) , second cell('main'!A2) copy to second sheet('2'!A1) etc.I created 800 sheets…
Reska Bu
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1 answer

Changing background image of table dynamically

I'm trying to change the background images of table cells with Javascript and I do so by creating the name of the image inside the code using the counter index in a for loop (i) This doesn't work, can somebody explain why and how to do it…
Not Amused
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1 answer

Tips on putting spacing between cells

How do i add spacing between each cell here - for i in 0...50 { let cell = UIView() cell.backgroundColor = .lightGray cell.frame = CGRect(x: Double(i) * Double(32.52), y: 90, width: 350, height: 500) …
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7 answers

Difference between `Range`, `Range.Cells`, `Range.Rows`, etc., "subtypes"

EDIT: Sub dump_range below shows that the address does not completely define a Range (as far as operating with its contents is concerned), something that I found surprising, and not clearly stated in MS documentation. There is something else, a…
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text text xyz