Questions tagged [cedit]

Use this tag for questions related to the CEdit class (Windows edit control).

An edit control is a rectangular child window in which the user can enter text.

More in the MSDN documentation.

79 questions
1 answer

How can I paint CEdit Control without uncovered area?

I have CDialg and CEdit Control on dialog. So, to paint CEdit control without sub-classing CEdit Class, I used CDialog::OnCtlColor like this. if( nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_EDIT ) { pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(200, 255, 200)); } But as you can see, that it…
Jay Kim
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2 answers

Inherited CEdit Control (for vertical centered Text) behaves strange

I am using the code in the first answer of this question: How can we vertically align text in edit box? to center the text in a CEdit control vertically. Here is the used Class CEditVC /// HEADER ////////////////////////////////////////// class…
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select an item in the CListCtrl on CEdit text change

I am tasked to do a real-time search using a edit box. When the text in the edit box matches the item in clistctrl, it will be highlighted. What I really want to do is highlight the matched item in Clistctrl on cedit box change.
Ralph De Guzman
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Write formatted text(printf style) to a MFC CEdit control, which would display the formatted text in a EditControl?

I need to display text along with values of variables in a CEdit controlled Edit Control Box. How do I do it ? Currently I'm using SetWindowText(), but that only takes a do I get a formatted string to display in the edit control?…
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Placing a image inside an CEdit control in Win32

I'm trying to achieve an effect where there's a visible logo inside an edit control and the logo becomes hidden when the user places the focus on the edit control. What's the best way to approach this? Would it be better to place an image control…
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displaying ellipsis in CEdit control

I'm surprised that i haven't found much online concerning the display of ellipsis in a CEdit control in MFC. We have a control that can show only about 20 characters but the max length of the string that goes into the control is 32 characters. I…
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Setting Cedit Text

I have the following code in trying to set the text in a Cedit text box: class CMetaDlg : public CDialogEx { public: CMetaDlg(); // Dialog Data enum { IDD = IDD_META }; protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV…
1 answer

c++ MFC converting a string in an edit control to hexidecimal

I can convert strings to hex perfectly fine if I define them in the source for example: int input = 15; CString output; output.Format(L"%x", input); m_oput.SetWindowText(output); The result is 'f', but how come if I do this: TCHAR buffer[500]; int…
2 answers

Adding proposed text to a CEdit as the User Types

In my MFC application, I am trying to offer help to users by proposing text as the user types. The text the user is typing is left as typed, and the proposed text at the end is selected so the user can just hit delete if it is not what they want,…
1 answer

CEdit::SetPasswordChar does not work in kill focus event

I have a project have a textbox with password mode. But this must be show when it has focus and hide characters when it kills his focus. This is my source code. m_editBox is control variable of IDC_EDIT1. void CEditBoxTestDlg::OnEnSetfocusEdit1() { …
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How to Scroll CEdit(MFC) smoothly

I want a multiline CEdit control to scroll itself downside slowly like a rolling subtitle. So far, I use CEdit::LineScroll() in OnTimer() event. It can do a full line roll with is not as smooth as I expected. I try to replace LineScroll() by…
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GetSel always returning 0,0

I have some code which strips out illegal characters from a user entered string upon the ON_EN_CHANGE call. So need to correct the curser position if any are removed. To do so I have been attempting to use GetSel to retrieve the position, then…
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3 answers

How to get CEdit to scroll properly?

I have a CEdit control that's used to display a diagnostics output. Sometimes the data overflows the screen size, so naturally I set the Vertical Scroll property to true (MFC dialog editor). But then, when I tried to scroll the text that was in…
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2 answers

MFC custom CEdit password support

I'm having a little trouble making a custom CEdit class i have added most and gave it some style but hit a stump i have googled most of the day with no luck guess Google hates me today. OK so i have inherited the class CEdit i have rewrote the…
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1 answer

MFC Ribbon CEdit Textbox Allignment in Panel

I am trying to align two text boxes with two buttons in a panel, and I am unable to find anything about how to force positioning inside the MFC Ribbon Panels. Here is a picture of what I have currently. (Sorry wont…
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