Questions tagged [cd]

cd is the "change directory" command offered by most shells. For CD-ROMs, please use the [cd-rom] tag.

673 questions
2 answers

I am trying to run PythonScripts and Hatch in the cmd by using the command " cd Downloads/PythonScripts/Hatch"

I am trying to run PythonScripts and Hatch on my cmd by running the command " cd Downloads/PythonScripts/Hatch" but everytime I try this, the response is " the system cannot find the path specified." May I know how to cd into the folder such that…
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How to specify folder location using `cd` command inside exec function?

Instead of specifying root of file for execution in a remote server, how we can use cd command in exec() in nodejs.What i am done is like this. var command_part1 = `ssh -p 22 root@ip`; var command_part2 = `python3…
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cd: bad substitution in shell script

Error ./[245]: cd: bad substitution This is line 455: BSOld=`cd /opt/siebel/*;ls -lrt | grep *srf* | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}'`
1 answer

Cannot change directory using os.Chdir()

os.Chdir() in golang is not working properly. package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) func main() { command := "cd C:\\" if err := os.Chdir(command[3:]); err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:\tCould not move into the directory…
asd plougry
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Unable to access file directory and files Centos 7

+x Permission is provided for user and directory is owned by the user. drwxr-xr-x. 3 www-data www-data 19 Nov 30 10:41 www Still, I am unable to access the directory. www-data is Nginx and PHP-fpm user. When I try su www-data I can't access any…
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Change a part of current directory using cd in linux

Assuming user is in dir1 and want to cd to dir2, how can he do it using cd by just telling that replace test with src in current working directory? dir1: /home/user1/test/package/files/ dir2: /home/user1/src/package/files/
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Subprocess commands that need each other, special trouble with "cd"

I want a program that, with given arguments, I'm using optpatse, changes the working directory and executes some file. I have tried with: subprocess.check_call(['ls'], cwd="/home") and this works. But if I do:"cd",…
1 answer

Change Directory to Folder Containing PowerShell Script - Regardless of Where That Folder Is Located

I have a script that I've created to prep our customer's servers for a software install. Part of this requires the script to be run as administrator, so just instructing people to click "Run With Powershell" doesn't get the job done. The script is…
Christopher Cass
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Cannot cd to a directory returned by an exe program

I have this simple file: tags home C:\Users\rodde docs C:\Users\rodde\Documents prev D:\ dt C:\Software\dt The first column contains the tags, and the second column contains respective directories. Also, I have a program (dt.exe) that expects a tag…
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cd with a literal vs a variable leads to git either being discoverable or not

This may be a very basic question, although all responses I could find for it were to "install git" or "be in a git directory." As far as I can see, both of these are resolved already, yet my issue persists. Although the solution could be trivially…
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Alternative to using Flash Projector as Autorun Interface?

I have been given the task of creating an Autorun installer for a distributable CD, and thought I would challenge the task with Flash. In previous versions of flash it was possible to use fscommand and trickery to run other local exe files, but due…
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PHP GD: Black background transparent

I have the problem that a picture is transparent (which it should be) but the part where a "blend mode" is, is still a bit black but it should not be. Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: and the output you can see in the output the small black circles…
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2 answers

basic CLI program in C

Okay so overall im trying to complete a basic CLI C program which will complete functions such as clear, quit, cd, ls, help (bring up the unix man) etc.. i altered my code and so far i have this, im getting segmination error when trying to execute…
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1 answer

bash functions. help me understand

Trying to set up a shortcut that will allow me to cd into a directory and list the files within in one go here is what I got so far. My knowledge is limited, this is pretty much just copy and paste from sources online, don't know what I'm doing,…
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1 answer

Up a Directory Script?

I've been trying to create a bash script that can move up a directory. I created this script, but when ran it does not execute anything. I tried adding a print statement to it, and that does work. Is there a certain way I should be executing…
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