Questions tagged [cassini]

The Cassini Web Server is an open-source lightweight web server distributed with ASP.NET as an example of an ASP.NET web server written in C#.

The Cassini Web Server is an open-source lightweight web server distributed with ASP.NET as an example of an ASP.NET web server written in C#.

Cassini is used in various ASP.NET projects such as ScrewTurn Wiki.

229 questions
4 answers

Which build of Cassini should I choose for production? There are 8 public builds from 5 different authors

I found several versions of an IIS-free Cassini webserver built by Microsoft. I'd use it but I'm unsure of which one is best, since there are many forks/builds: the original dmitryr's v3 (with corresponding bug), v3.5, and v3.5.1, A VB-based…
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1 answer

Visual Studio creating IIS virtual directories when solution opened

Visual Studio is asking to create virtual directories in IIS when I open a solution. Could this be because projects within the solution have been configured to use IIS rather than Cassini? The dialog message is: "The local URI ... specified for Web…
Ben Aston
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2 answers

Differences in behaviour between IIS and the ASP.Net Web Development Server?

During development, I usually test ASP.Net applications using the Web Development Server (sometimes called Cassini). Occasionally, when I publish to a real IIS environment, I notice that the application behaves differently. So, what are the…
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JS,Images and CSS getting intercepted by HTTPModule

I have a simple HTTPModule which does some custom session state management. public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.AcquireRequestState += new EventHandler(ProcessBeginRequest); ActivityLogger.LogInfo(…
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3 answers

How do I use Fiddler to listen to the development server (i.e. cassini)?

I am attempting to debug a (RESTful) WCF app using Fiddler. I run my project via VS IDE - which launches my app in the ASP.NET Development Server aka Cassini. I then launch Fiddler and in the Request Builder tab enter the following: …
Steve Elmer
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Does the ASP.NET Development Server (a.k.a. Cassini) support SSL?

We are trying to get our .NET devs to use the ASP.NET Development Server (VS2008) for web development instead of a local instance of IIS. I received this response as a reason why some of our devs can't use it: "Our XXXX Online Sales application uses…
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1 answer

Why is IIS slower than ASP.NET Development Server?

I have an ASPX webpage that does some complex operations and database calls. When I view the webpage by running ASP.NET Development Server (Cassini), it takes about 200ms. Then, without any code changes and configuration changes, I deploy the…
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3 answers

Is there any IIS equivalent to Tomcat?

I want to test ASP.NET applications to get the feel for the MVC extension and compare that to what I can do today with Grails or Rails. The trouble is that being in a corporate environment, I can't install IIS on my workstation, neither on my DEV…
Rollo Tomazzi
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1 answer

Visual Studio: How to make Cassini listen on ::1?

Visual Studio's internal development web-server only listens for connections from the local computer. Unfortunatly, the web-server only binds to the IPv4 loopback address: On machines with IPv6 enabled (i.e. Windows Vista, Window 7), it…
Ian Boyd
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4 answers

How do you debug ASP.NET applications under IIS7 on Vista?

There is a post on titled "Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0", but I don't quite believe that's what people do. (Among other gems, it suggests publishing your web app after every change.) If you debug your ASP.NET applications in IIS7…
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1 answer

viewStateEncryptionMode="Always" not encrypting

Due to some security concerns i need to enable View State Encryption. I have viewstate & viewstateMAC turned off but i need to encrypt the "control state" string that is included in the __VIEWSTATE form parameter. Currently my web.config looks…
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3 answers

What reason would Visual Studio ASP.NET Development Server start returning HTTP 503 errors?

I've been putting together a website for a few weeks, most of the routine has just been creating new web forms with master pages. I've been using the ASP.NET Development Server to view my additions to the project as I've gone along, but today…
3 answers

Entity Framework "The underlying provider failed on Open" - Cassini vs IIS

I have a service that uses EF to retrieve data from a SQL database. The EF model is in a class library. In the class library the connection is configured as:
Mark Cooper
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Visual Studio 2010 and Cassini web server can't make windows authentication! (Access Denied 401.2)

How it could be difficult to make a web site which is integrated with domain authentication in visual studio!? This is my web.config:
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Visual Studio 2005: Unable to connect to visual studio's localhost web server

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and I was unable to debug a web site in Visual Studio 2005. I got the error: unable to connect to visual studio's localhost web server. I don't know if the upgrade caused it to break, but this was…
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