Questions tagged [cannot-find-symbol]

This tag is used when code returns an error message that a symbol cannot be located. These are usually compilation errors in Java.

This tag is used when code returns an error message that a symbol cannot be located. Such messages are usually associated with compilation errors in Java. See this post for a detailed description of causes and solutions: What does a "Cannot find symbol" compilation error mean?

220 questions
1 answer

After migrating Eclipse project from Windows to Ubuntu, Eclipse shows "cannot be resolved" compilation errors over all place

I had created a website in eclipse using tomcat as a server on windows 7 and it was working very fine. But now i have migrated from windows to ubuntu. I have installed java and it is working very well. But my eclipse is displaying error on each and…
3 answers

Cannot find Symbol - Variable, despite the variable being declared

The numThrows Variable is inciting an error of variable not found when used in the main method. even though i declare it in one of the methods. I use the declare the variable in the void prompt method. This program is designed to calculate Pi using…
1 answer

error: cannot find symbol method GetApplicationContext()

I had this error: "error: cannot find symbol method GetApplicationContext()" when I'm creating Fragments for Android app. public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { …
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Android studio databinding error, Cannot find symbol: debug/dataBindingGenBaseClassesDebug/databinding/

project/build.gradle buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath…
1 answer

Error with not finding symbol - variable in my program

Okay so i was trying to learn java (as i usually do stuff with html and css) and i am just working on a very basic and generic 2d block breaker game. I came across this error and have no clue why i am receiving. i have triple checked my spelling and…
Corey Rinda
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0 answers

How to fix cannot resolve symbol "MetadataChanges" when implementing firestore recycler adapter?

I'm currently trying to implement a Firestore Recycler Adapter into my Android Studio Project but when I when I try to enter the activity with the recyclerView the app crashes. When I use the debugger it crashes when it reaches the .build() method…
1 answer

java maven COMPILATION ERROR : cannot find symbol

java maven COMPILATION ERROR : cannot find symbol I am using eclipse to build a java maven project from a remote linux machine. I get connected to project using Eclipse Remote System Explorer (RSE). When I want to clean install the project, it…
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2 answers

Java - Cannot Find Symbol Error With Other Classes

First and foremost I want to make myself clear: I am not asking what the cannot find symbol error means, I am simply asking what is causing this error in this context. I have recently delved into classes in Java. Below is my first [non main]…
1 answer

android studio cannot find a parameter

I have an Android app that uses Firebase and I am having an error with a query. In my class file I am defining the search and I am getting: error: cannot find symbol variable query Here is the code from my class file: public class SearchFragment…
1 answer

Android build failed: error: cannot find symbol variable radio_animator

I just upgraded Android studio to the latest version : Android Studio 3.2.1 Build #AI-181.5540.7.32.5056338, built on October 9, 2018 JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b06 amd64 JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o Windows 10…
3 answers

Cannot find symbol - class InventoryItem

I re-type these code from a book and somehow I got error " Cannot find symbol - class InventoryItem " import java.util.Scanner; public class ReturnObject { public static void main(String[] args) { InventoryItem item; item =…
2 answers

Cannot resolve symbol 'OnSuccessListener' in Android Studio

I'm getting this strange behavior that I'm not able to import OnSuccessListener to my code after git cloning and building in a different machine (this resolved fine in my previous machine). However the project builds fine and runs on the emulator.…
2 answers

Cannot resolve symbol 'database' in net.sqlcipher import in Android Studio

Any idea why I am having this cannot resolve symbol 'database' in net.sqlcipher. I simply cloned SQLCipher Android Test from GitHub and wanted to test. have also attached the screenshot for reference. Thank you...
1 answer

Why do I get a 'cannot find symbol class' error on my Android import statement (ActionBarActivity) after updating appcompat to 27.1?

Why do I get a 'cannot find symbol class' error on my Android import statement (ActionBarActivity) after updating appcompat to 27.1? I am getting the following error, on the following import statement. Notice the import statement is now greyed…
1 answer

how to make a true boolean into a variable

(amateur highs chool Java coder here). Iv'e been working on this project, and Iv'e reached a problem I can't figure out. Here's what I need help with: (I'm trying to write a program that will determine if the driver is speeding, and if so which one…
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