Questions tagged [callouts]

103 questions
2 answers

How to access callout view on clicking on map annotation using swift in xctest

I want to access callout views and do some UIAutomation on those views. I'm able to click on map markers/annotations but not able to access the callout view. The following code used to tap on the marker: let marker =…
1 answer

Batch Apex callout limits

does callout limitation depends on the number of times the execute method is invoked in a batch class? I have read that it depends on the number of callouts per execute method, so we should use batch size of 1 if have to utilize the maximum of 100…
0 answers

Datagrid inside tooltip using VB.NET

What will be the best approach to embed a datagridview like thing inside tooltip. I would like to display useful information in an organized way inside tooltip control on MsChart rather than just displaying simple text info using callout or standard…
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Custom Map Annotation Callout image

I'm able to set the MKPinAnnotationView with title, subtitle, an image on the left (leftCalloutAccessoryView) and a button on the right (rightCalloutAccessoryView). With this code i set the image on the left: UIImageView *myImageView =…
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Callout style popup in WPF

In my WPF application, I am trying to implement a Callout style Popup. I got some reference but still could a good solution. Please find the image what I am trying to implement. It should be a popup window. The initial position should be…
0 answers

Callout component get wrong position inside bottom placeholder

I am trying to show the react callout component inside the bottom placeholder in a modern SharePoint page but when I click the button to open the callout this shows in the top left of the screen and not right under the button. Is there some css…
Americo Perez
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How to delay callout from showing when annotation selected in MKMapView? Swift 4

(This is my first stack overflow question haha) UPDATE: From this link - Center MKMapView BEFORE displaying callout I implemented the solution from Thermometer, however selecting and deselecting the annotation makes it look like my application is…
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How to make use of Markups Core 'Callout' EditMode

I am attempting to replicate the BIM 360's Design Review Editor's callout tool (the most useful tool of them all) within my Forge app, but I can't seem to get the callouts edit mode from the Markups Core extension to work properly. When I change the…
3 answers

- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView not getting called

In my code, the - (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id )annotation method is not getting called. I don know why. Can anyone please help me? Below is my code: - (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView…
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Updating an AnnotationView Callout after details entered in View Controller that was pushed form the map view

I have a simple maps app with multiple pins on a map view. My intention is to tap a pin, show a callout with an accessory view, push to a Detail View Controller where you can edit that pin/locations details. This all works fine, but once i pop the…
1 answer

Query Environment hub records from salesforce API

I'm currently creating a chrome extension that will query EnvironmentHubMember records from our Salesforce org, however I'm currently getting this returned from the REST callout; '"sObject type 'EnvironmentHubMember' is not supported."' The…
1 answer

Powerpoint - Add editable callouts in slide master

I'm looking how to add editable callouts in a slide master. What i mean by editable is change the tail position, the text content and size when I add a new slide to my presentation. Well, callouts with a text placeholder comportment. :*) Best…
Nexus Fred
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2 answers

setting background on UIButton on Map Callout

Hi I am trying to set a background image on my detail disclosure UIButton attached to my MapView MKAnnotation callout view. Checking on stackoverflow there are consistent examples of how to set this, however it doesn't seem to work for my callout…
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Can a CRM 3.0 PreCreate callout fill form fields in advance?

I just finished my first CRM callout, and it's working great, but it doesn't actually seem to take effect until the form that calls it is saved. It's a PreCreate deal that assigns a value to one of the attributes present on the form. Is there any…
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1 answer

CRM 3.0 Callout not working: event: postcreate, exception: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid

Just trying to do a (I thought) simple callout to read a number from a text file stored on the CRM server, use it as one of the values on the CRM form, and increment the number and then rewrite it to the text file. When I load the form, the callout…
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