Questions tagged [call-graph]

A Call-Graph is a visual representation of calls between functions/procedures/methods etc. Typically created from the entry point of the code through each of the calls.

A Call-Graph is a useful tool in researching problems in your code. By seeing a visual reference of the order calls are performed, it allows the individual to trace back to a piece of code quicker. This allows them to test data output in various points faster by reducing the number of files that will have to be opened and searched to track this data manually.

Questions with this tag would include:

  1. How to build a call-graph in a particular language.
  2. Understanding a particular call-graph. This should generally include a visual reference.

Additional information about call graphs can be found on Wikipedia under the entry Call_Graph

204 questions
0 answers

Call-graph analysis: How to find out if method CA#ma eventually calls CB#mb

Say I have a java project consisting of too many classes. There is an entry-point method that calls other methods defined in other classes, which in turn call other methods. Given an entry point and target candidate(s), I want to see all possible…
Ralf H
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1 answer

How to remove library modules or specific functions from pycallgraph

I am using pycallgraph to analyze my code performance. However, the call graph is pretty messy with many calls to system functions as well as certain functions I would not like to document. How can I stop pycallgraph from reporting these calls?
Apurva Samudra
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Generating function call graph

I am using the egypt tool to visualize call graphs of c files. Using the option --include-external one can see the calls to functions that are defined externally (in libraries, other project .c files etc.) I am wondering if there is any way to know…
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4 answers

Need help to draw control-flow graph with GLEE and C#

I am trying to draw a control-flow graph(CFG) from source code using the GLEE graph library and C# language. Problem is, I am new to GLEE. I need a tutorial or sample programs/projects to help me get started quickly with GLEE. The source for which I…
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How to make a callgraph for a dll?

I have a native C/C++ x64 dll that I want to profile for static code analysis. In Linux I do this step in my workflow with callgrind/valgrind and KCachegrind. I want to do something like this for a Windows dll. Unfortunately, I am not able to…
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2 answers

Using jProfiler to generate call graph

I want to use jProfiler to generate a call graph. I have received a licensed key for evaluation version. I want to use jprofiler to profile a simple webserver(jibble miniwebserver). I am using linux. I downloaded the file…
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1 answer

using profiler4j for profiling

I want to use profiler4j to profile my simple java program which call 2 methods. I would be interested in call graph view. I followed following link to run the profiler. when I try to run the profiler by…
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3 answers

How to log an application's entire stacktrace in .NET

I've just started work on an existing .NET application with about 40 active projects. While familiarizing myself with the project, I find myself constantly stepping through the application just to learn the structure and logic flow. It would make…
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1 answer

Tool for taking notes for source code (kind of a call graph+)

I'm looking for a tool that would help me read a large amount of C++ source code for a complex product and understand relationships between components and datatype and have those relationshipts diagrammed and noted. The way I see it work for me is,…
Anton Pegushin
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