Questions tagged [bufferedinputstream]

An abstract mechanism for reading a data stream into a buffer, for improved reading performance

An BufferedInputStream is a wrapper around an InputStream, whereby the data being read is buffered locally. Buffering can be either fully-buffered or partially-buffered. Fully-buffered is where the entire contents of the InputStream is held locally in a variable. Partially-buffered is where a small portion of the stream data is held in a local variable, and as you read data from the buffer, those bytes are replaced with the next X bytes from the stream - ie the buffer overwrites itself as the data is consumed from it.

An InputStream is usually buffered to improve performance, as it allows data to be read from a network of file in large efficient chunks, rather than a number of smaller reads. This removes the overhead and performance impact of the multiple small reads. The downside, however, is that the buffer consumes some memory and has some CPU impact, but these downsides are usually very tiny, and are far outweighed by the benefits of buffering.

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Need to improve performance in file unzipping from DB

I am getting zipped blob from db and using that blob in below way, Ex:- byte[] inputBlob = blobfile.getBytes(1, (int) blobfile.length()); After getting the blob, the way i got the zippedStream and passed it into another Class…
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Loading a file from Internal storage to InputStream same way as from Assets

I am successfully loading and using an PKCS12 file Cert.pfx from Assets like this: String certLocation = "certificates/Cert.pfx"; InputStream isCert = null; try { isCert = getAssets().open(certLocation); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG,…
2 answers

Java BufferedInputStream Progress Bar

I'm having a slight issue getting a JProgressBar to show the status of an HTTP download. The progress bar is working, however it fills up too quickly and eventually overshoots the max value by quite an amount, as shown below: public void…
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inconsistent BufferedInputStream read(byte[]) behaviour

My understanding of[]) is that the read operation starts from pos, and reads until either the byte array is full or end of stream occurs. I am calling the readInt method below on a BufferedInputStream. public class…
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Read the first line of a bufferedInputStream and then the rest sepereatly

I have an BufferedinputStream that contains the byte[] representation of a file file and before that it contains the name of file ("FileName.fileExtension") I'd like to read the first line and then read the byte representation of the file so I can…
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what a difference do I make when I use BufferedInputStream to get the user input? java

what is the difference between the codes below? //case01 Scanner sc=new Scanner(new BufferedInputStream(; while(sc.hasNext()) { System.out.println("输出:"; } //case02 Scanner sc=new…
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BufferedInputStream mark/reset issue

Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong here? This method does nothing except produce empty lines when calling new InputStreamReader(stream, getSet(stream); Thank you all! private static final byte[] UTF8_BOM = new byte[] {(byte) 0xEF,…
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Read for inputs individually in C

I want to read inputs individually. That means that I enter a character, press enter and then ask for the second input. The problem is that when the program asks me to input the character it asks for both at the same time. This is my code: #include…
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What is the relation between InputStream, BuffreredInputStream, InputStreamReader and BufferedReader?

I always get confused when to process my input data how, which process. Different times i find different solutions. I am also not clear about their Hierarchy.
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