Questions tagged [browser-link]

Browser Link is a channel between your Visual Studio IDE and any open browser, allowing dynamic data exchange between your web application in Visual Studio and the browser. It uses SignalR to facilitate the communications between Visual Studio and the browser.

More information can be found at the MSDN blog post "Browser Link feature in Visual Studio Preview 2013" by Reshmi Mangalore.

81 questions
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SignalR Chrome/IE client strange behavior when using Visual Studio 2013 debug and browser link disabled

We have a web application that uses SignalR to send messages to the client. While running the application in Visual Studio 2013 debug mode with browser link disabled in Chrome and IE we find that the SignalR hub appears to connect, but does not…
0 answers

MVC 5 Browser link causes "blank spam"

I'm using VS2013 Ultimate with a MVC5 project. Whenever I launch my current project, there is a "spam" of blank pages in the solution explorer under Overview (see image at end of post). It has to do with browser link, when I turn that off, the…
Christiaan Maks
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Visual Studio with Browser Link: refresh browser when content in App_Data changes

I use VS 2013 with Browser Link to test a site that loads its content from text files in App_Data. The files are actually Markdown files and edited outside of Visual Studio for convenience - I have a grunt watch task that copies the Markdown files…
Borek Bernard
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1 answer

Visual Studio 2013 Browser Link is not showing other options but Refresh

I'm taking a look at Visual Studio 2013 Browser Link and it seems like there should be other options for the connected browsers, like Design Mode and Inspect Mode. But for me, it's just showing Refresh. I'm using VS 2013 with update 2. The project…
André Pena
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Pros Vs Cons of Browser-Link in VS2013

My application was getting freeze for 15secs when it loads first time. I look into firebug and it shows Browser-Link. So I search, and found this SO post. I uncheck option of "Enable Browser Link" and my application works perfectly. I what are the…
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Visual Studio 2013 Browser Link not playing well with Firefox - throwing exception

Just now I tried Browser Link with Firefox 27.0.1 while debugging a simple ASP.NET MVC app. I have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Update 1. Here's Browser Link Dashboard: I tried changing something in a razor view, pressed Ctrl+S and went to the…
Leniel Maccaferri
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Browser Link and Web Forms (Design mode doesn't work for ASP.NET Web Forms)

I have been playing around with the new Browser Link feature in visual studio 2013. However, I am not able to get the "Design Mode" feature working for "Web Form" pages. It works fine when I am browsing a MVC page. However, as soon as I add a web…
1 answer

Issue with the browser link on my ASP.NET 3 Core MVC

I have an issue with the browser link on my ASP.NET 3 Core MVC project (i'm a begginer). When I press Ctrl + Alt + Enter, I always get a window asking "Do you want to stop debugging?" Yes -> Stops debugging, doesn't update browser. Non -> Doesn't…
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Refresh Razor Class Library changes with BrowserLink

BrowserLink works well with an Core webapp, but when it comes to a Razor Class Library (RCL) I just don't see it working. Every time I make a change in a .cshtml view inside my RCL, I have to do a rebuild on the solution to see the change…
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Visual Studio 2017 Browser Link with custom url

I work on a few websites in different solutions that integrate with each other. To get them to work properly locally, I have to override the URLs. When I change the url from localhost:[port] to[port], browser link no longer…
Dan Miller
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2 answers

Programmatically inject custom script into page body at runtime - like Browser Link

I'm looking for a way to inject a custom script into the _Layout.cshtml purely from code. _Layout.cshtml cannot know anything about it. Just like Browser Link does it. You simple write this: app.UseBrowserLink(); And this gets injected into the…
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Browserlink error on Chrome with VS2017 .NET Core App

Web Essentials 2017 is already installed as part of Visual Studio 2017, but when I run an ASP.NET Core app in the Chrome Dev Tools console window I get the following error message "Browser Link: Failed to invoke return value callback: TypeError: …
1 answer

Browserlink for Azure Service Fabric .NET Core App

I'm finding the iterative development cycle quite slow on service fabric as opposed to a standalone .NET Core web application. It does not look like browser link works, hell even refreshing the page doesn't update HTML. From what I can see, you need…
0 answers

Visual Studio Browser Link Causes InvalidOperationException: Stack empty

I have a version 4.6 WebForms web site and a simple, custom WebControl. When I do something like: [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)] public SomeControl Contents…
0 answers

Visual Studio 2015 Unable to Disable Browser Link

So just switched my project over to 2015 and a day or two later the browser link bar appeared at the top of browser. I did my typical googling and found the setting in the toolbar and disabled it. That didn't work and it's still there. 1st…
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