Questions tagged [blazor-client-side]

The client side execution of commands in the browser; apart from the server side code.

Blazor is a web framework designed to run client-side in the browser on a WebAssembly-based .NET runtime (Blazor WebAssembly) or server-side in ASP.NET Core (Blazor Server). Regardless of the hosting model, the app and component models are the same. ASP.NET Core Blazor hosting models

784 questions
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Share Data Through Service in ASP.NET Blazor (Client Side)

I use to have a common service in MVC Application , register it as Transient service and access its value across whole application without any issue . I tried to implement same mechanism inside my client side blazor app First created a class…
0 answers

Blazor state not changed after exception

I have a component that shows a loading bar, makes a http request and when it's done hides the loading bar. When an exception occures the loading bar is not hidden even though my code is in wrapped in try finally block. try { IsLoading =…
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How I render a blazor component dynamically multiple times instantly in another component (for eg: each button click)

I want to update the view each time when I click the button by dynamically adding other blazor component. How can I achieve this. For eg: Each time I click the button on component 1, component 2 should be added within the component 1 immediately.
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Combine Server-Side-Blazor with some Offline-Pages (Razor or client-side Blazor) to create a Progressive Web App (PWA)

I'd like to use Server-Side-Blazor (SSB) to build a progressive web app (PWA). I would need a way to handle the server connection being unavailable for an extended period or when the PWA first loads. In that situation I'd like the app to fail-over…
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Getting error RAZORGENERATE : error RZ3008 creating Blazor ComponenBase

Upgraded to Preview9. But getting this error when I try to separate View and Model, any ideas? RAZORGENERATE : error RZ3008: Tag helpers cannot target tag name '.ViewCustomerModel' because it contains a '<' character. public class…
Anton Swanevelder
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Blazor .Net Core 3.0 Preview 9 - AuthenticationStateProvider implementation issue

In our Blazor app we are overriding the default implementation of AuthenticationStateProvider to allow use of out Jwt. Since upgrading to the Preview 9 it now requires the AthenticationResponse response to be wrapped int a Task. I have the…
Matthew Flynn
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Blazor - deserialise with constructor injection

I have a blazor client application, that is fetching a model from the server using HttpClient. I have no problem deserialising a POCO, but now I'd like to deserialise a model object that should have a dependency (registered on the client side)…
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Blazor client side debugger not observing values

I'm unable to debug Blazor client side app. I went throug MS docs and I can connect to the Chrome debugger. When the breakpoint is hit the app stops as expected but I cannot observe any value. All I get is a local scope with this variable that is…
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2 answers

Binding child with additional data fetch

I am trying to figure out a sort of master/detail view of some simple data. I have a list of Recipes and each Recipe has a list of Ingredients. I have a Recipe page which lists all recipes, and this is working well. I have a RecipeDetail razor…
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Use the same Layout from Client Project in Server

I have BlazorWebAssembly project with Server project. How can i use MainLayout.razor in Server project (for example : by change password or something else..)
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Client-side Blazor hosted in Docker fail while IL linking

I tried to build a Docker image from my client-side Blazor app. The app gets served by the ASP.NET Core WebAPI project. For this purpose I let VS generate the appropriate Dockerfile. FROM AS…
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Blazor Input File Component (physical path)

I want to get the physical file path. I tried a few options. I need to get the physical path to pass it to another API in windows service on the same machine. is it possible or not?
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AAD hosted Blazor Webassembly - How to get subset of user's AD groups when user is member of large number of groups

I have asked this question on ASP.Net Core github repo, but I do not think my query was sufficiently answered, so posting the question here. I followed the instructions here to get a user's AD groups as claims. However, the user is member of a large…
2 answers

Allow only specific file type to upload in blazor

I am using BlazorInputFile package for uploading file in Blazor. Problem This code does not work. How to restrict user to only upload jpeg or png…
3 answers

Running Tasks from List

I am trying to run a task List using the following method: List tasks = new List(); tasks.Add(new Task(() => this.firstMethod())); tasks.Add(new Task(() => this.secondMethod())); However, if I use one of the two examples below I get…
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