Questions tagged [blast]

BLAST is a Basic Local Alignment Search Tool for comparing biological sequence information.

Given some query string, it finds similar (although not necessarily identical) biological sequence strings in a large set of possible candidates. BLAST supports searches with possible sequence mismatches, deletions and insertions. BLAST is open source, written in C++, and was originally developed in 1990.

Wikipedia summary

214 questions
1 answer

Blast+: blastdbcmd - error message

I want to convert 16S Microbial database format in fasta format. I use Blast+ program (2.2.27+ version Window). I could install this program and I know that I must to use blastdbcmd command. The problems are that I don´t know how I have to write…
1 answer

Cannot execute command line using php

I tried to run command line for local BLAST. I already download the package and allow the permission for every files and folders. But still I can't display the output of it at my page. echo shell_exec("/opt/lampp/htdocs/blasto/bin/blastp -query…
1 answer

blast output command line

Does any know of standalone command line programs that take Blast Output and produce pretty html output? or just pretty non-text output in general? I am trying to integrate it onto my instance of Galaxy.
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1 answer

parsing blastp output using biopython

I need help to parse the following blastp output for aligning 2 sequences: BLASTP 2.2.28+ Query= Length=237 Subject= Length=268 Score = 429 bits (1104), Expect = 2e-157, Method: Compositional matrix adjust. Identities = 237/268 (88%),…
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