Questions tagged [bindable]

The Bindable annotation should be applied to any getter accessor method of an Observable class. Bindable will generate a field in the BR class to identify the field that has changed.

87 questions
2 answers

Aurelia: How to observe a specific property of a bound object (custom attribute)

I am trying to observe a change event of a object specific property bound to a custom attribute. I use the bindable tag for this. The object var information = { name: 'foo', description: 'bar', age: 12 }; The element
Tom Aalbers
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2 answers
2 answers

Behaviour - bindable property

I've created a behavior for validating email input. Following numerous examples on the web. As you can see my behavior has two bindable properties, one is IsValid and second is ErrorMessage. On text change, app runs regex validation and without any…
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1 answer

What Android-Application Components can bind to a Service?

I just got the Exception BroadcastReceiver components are not allowed to bind to services. I found nothing about this online, so I am asking if anyone can provide a List of Components that are actually able to bind to a service, because I…
Dominik Seemayr
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4 answers

Flex 3 Binding problem

I have a custom ActionScript class: package EntityClasses { import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; [RemoteClass(alias="")] [Bindable] public class CompanyInfo { public var companyInfoId:int; public var…
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Using ASDoc with Bindable metatag and mxml

I am creating the documentation of my flex project using ASDoc and having some issues with the bindable metatag. ASDoc doesn't document public Bindable values unless the Bindable tag has an event name associated with it. For example: //This is…
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JQuery: Is there a way to do Flex-style data bindings?

Several new UI/Query frameworks allow you to "bind" UI elements to data structures. When data in the structure is updated, the change propagates to the UI element, automatically. Some examples of this include the [Bindable] tag in Adobe Flex, and…
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Some [Bindable] properties in Flex work, some don't

Problem solved, see below Question I'm working in Flex Builder 3 and I have two ActionScript 3 classes (ABC and XYZ) and a Flex MXML project (main.mxml). I have an instance of XYZ as a property of ABC, and I want XYZ's properties to be visible…
Andrew Keeton
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Can @Bindable variable's change in different thread can be reflected the corresponding UI element?

I'm learning to implement a count down timer with GUI showing the time reduction. I'm using Groovy's @Bindable in the hope that the change of time reduction can be displayed automatically in the corresponding UI label. The reduction of the…
Yu Shen
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How to use a changed variable value when the previous value is already used?

I am trying to use a variable with a base value, this variable is used multiple times in my code. Later when a button is clicked I want to use another value. So when the value of this variable changes things have to change as well, sort of binding.…
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0 answers

Change programmatically the Rows and Columns in Xamarin Forms

I'm filling a grid with an observablecollection from my viewmodel but I want to get that grid formatted as follows: (Note my model has no row/column information just calls the posts as shown in the code) My code now looks like this:
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2 answers

Passing filtered @Bindable objects to multiple views in SwiftUI

I’m trying to pass a filter array to multiple views, but the filtering is not working. If I remove the filter, you can pass the array to the next view, but that leads to another error during the ForEach loop. I've posted all the code below. Does…
Richard Witherspoon
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3 answers

Flex watch bindable property other class

I'm creating an application using Flex 4. When the app is started, it reads a XML file and populate objects. The .send() call is asynchronous, so I would want to listen/watch to this populated object, and when it has finished, dispatch an event for…
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Aurelia make bindable act as observable on object properties

In Aurelia binding if in a component we use observable decoration on a property, and if the property being an object, then we will subscribe to all properties of that object. For example: import { observable } from 'aurelia-framework'; export…
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2 answers

Bindable not getting notified

@Bindable public String getFirstName() { return this.firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.firstName); } @Bindable public String getLastName() { return…
Mohammed Atif
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