Questions tagged [before-save]

An ActiveRecord callback that is executed after validating an object but before writing it to the database.

before_save is one of the standard ActiveRecord callbacks. There are three sets of callbacks:

  • Creating an Object (in order of execution):
    1. before_validation
    2. after_validation
    3. before_save
    4. around_save
    5. before_create
    6. around_create
    7. after_create
    8. after_save
  • Updating an Object (in order of execution):
    1. before_validation
    2. after_validation
    3. before_save
    4. around_save
    5. before_update
    6. around_update
    7. after_update
    8. after_save
  • Destroying an Object (in order of execution):
    1. before_destroy
    2. around_destroy
    3. after_destroy
154 questions
1 answer

CakePHP data change during validation and beforeSave is not being save with the changes

I'm saving data sent from a form. In the Controller I am doing : $this->User->create(); $this->User->save($this->request->data) The $this->request->data looks like this: 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'username' => 'ddddd', …
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How to apply transformations/filters on Lift Record Field before writing/reading its value

I'm using Lift Record persistence and I want to apply some transformations on a Field whenever I set or get its value. For instance, for StringField I want to set it to lower case automatically in Record object. object someField extends…
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cakephp associate user with model before save

Working on my first CakePHP (2.x) project. I have Users that have many Clients. The baked view for the client form includes a select box to choose the user the client is associated to. I would like to remove this field from the form and have it…
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CakePHP How to change Field in beforeSave

I have a model in Cakephp and want to change a Field in beforeSave function but the saved data is not correct. Here is my function: public function beforeSave($options = array()) { $address = @ClassRegistry::init('Address')->read(null,…
Marcel C
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Rails: `before_save` interfere with `save?`

I'm using seed.rb to start my app. #seeds.rb, create categories and see if they are saved or not categories = Category.create([{name:'name1'},{name:'name2'}, {name: 'name3'} ]) if categories.all?(&:save) puts "categories saved" else puts…
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Excel-VBA Before Save Lock a range of cells

I am generating a Daily Planner Sheet in which i want to lock some appraisal cells after saving. I have written the following code in excel workbook code. The macro asks to enter password before saving. Why is it asking to enter the password?(I have…
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validating phone number with Cloud Code

What I want is when a user enters in a phone number into an input field, my cloud code will validate it. Below is what I have so far. Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Contact", function (request, response) { var Contact = Parse.Object.extend("Contact"); var…
Thomas Mannion
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2 answers

Using 'send' on a before_save filter

I have a before_save filter called :strip_whitespaces on a Rails model like this before_save :strip_whitespaces The strip_whitespaces filter is a private method which is defined in the following way: private def strip_whitespaces …
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beforeSave not called on associated rows

I've been having problems trying to get my associated rows to perform the beforeSave function when they are called by the owner object. For this example I have used Asset and AssetVersion as in an Asset hasMany Versions. My intention is to use…
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How to prevent save model changes in a before_save callback

So i have to 1) not save changes but instead 2) save the audit with these changes. The second part is achieved by send_for_audit method, but if i return false in it the new Audit instance is not created as well as changes to the Article instance are…
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4 answers

How to use request.env in before_filter?

I want to check some field before save and change it into default browser language. I want to use before_save filter: def update @website = Website.find(params[:id]) if @website.language == "Automatic (by user's browser language)" …
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How to run JavaScript function in before_save filter to replace some value before saving into database?

I have categoried, which user choose. If user choose 'Auto' I need to replace it with result, what gives me my JavaScript function - setting default browser language. Here is JavaScript example, of JS function - And…
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ruby on rails before save update another table first

I am trying to update another associated table before saving but i am getting into errors i am not familiar with... so i have in my model post.rb before_save :update_total_items def update_total_items b = Tags.find(:tag_id => self.tag_id) …
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cakephp beforeSave callback in Behaviors don't save data correctly

Controller: $data = array( 'ContentI18n' => array( 0 => array( 'title' => 'first', 'author' => 'first', …
Arash Mousavi
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Check a value before saving

I'm trying to implement a condition in my form which say if cat:(integer)=1 @post.update(father: "lolo") I'd try put this into my create action, and too into a before_save but is not working. So if you have any ideas to solve this, you're welcome…
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