Questions tagged [beagleboneblack]

BeagleBone Black is a community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists.

BeagleBone Black is a community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB cable.

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1246 questions
1 answer

Can Arduino Uno code run on a BeagleBone Black using a cross compiler?

I am currently part of a research team that is developing an unmanned submarine for local rescue divers. The goal is to improve and fix the prototype from last year's team. Right now the vehicle uses an Arduino Uno and a BeagleBone Black. The…
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Beaglebone Black Persistent Internet Over USB - Debian Image 2016-05.13

My internet over usb used to just work on my BBB but now every time I boot I have to manually add route add default gw echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf I as following this guide but in /opt/scripts/boot/ I can…
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Linux, Using hardware interrupts on I/O to place data into user accessable area via Direct memory access

I am currently working with the BeagleBone Black using Ubuntu and I am trying to find some direction. I have created a c program that listens for SIGIO and runs a read() to get the data on that line. From my research on the internet and looking…
1 answer

assembler set up function dependent on variable

So I am writing an assembly program where I set a variable to one, two or three and then dependent on that variable the right function should be used in the further program. As an example if the value is one the function should look like…
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debian networking sets wrong ip

I'm currently trying to automate our beaglebone flashing - therefore we have to manually change the ip address. I created a script which basically adds sth. like: # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address theip …
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Send data from beaglebone black to Host computer

I am trying to send data from BeagleBone to my laptop. My laptop connects with BeagleBone through usb. From my laptop, I can ssh to BeagleBone. In BeagleBone, I will write c code to send data. In my laptop, I will write another code to receive the…
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beaglebone black flash onboard USR0 led c++, code runs but led doesn't change

I have a BeagleBone Black with Debian installed. I successfully ssh'd into it with MobaXterm and wrote the following code (have written/compiled/run this in both nano and gedit): #include #include #include using…
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How to switch from char * to const char *[pwm in beaglebone]?

I am working on a quadcopter project with Beaglebone. I need help with using pwm on Beaglebone through a C program. I have attached the following code, #include #include #include struct pwm { char period[100]; …
1 answer

Access structure by offset

I have seen this question asked various times but for some reason when I attempt to use offsetof with the stddef.h header it will not resolve this macro in my eclipse IDE. Instead I am trying to access the structure by calculating it manually. This…
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2 answers

measuring time between two rising edges in beaglebone

I am reading sensor output as square wave(0-5 volt) via oscilloscope. Now I want to measure frequency of one period with Beaglebone. So I should measure the time between two rising edges. However, I don't have any experience with working Beaglebone.…
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Terminal connection to Beaglebone Black after Booting from Micro SD

I am just getting started with the BBB booting from a micro SD card. I loaded the BeagleBone Black Debian Wheezy 7.0.0 image onto micro SD card as instructed at: Until now I have been…
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Getting stange error with strings

I'm writing a program in C for my beaglebone black to manipulate the gpio pins. This is a very crude program but its just a "beta" if you will. Just to get it up and running. My problem is that I have two character arrays. One holding a command to…
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1 answer

Start OpenSSH sshd automatically on the BeagleBone Black

Does anybody know how to start sshd automatically on the BeagleBone Black ? I've replaced dropbear with OpenSSH. The standard systemctl enable sshd doesn't work, but strangely systemctl start sshd does. I'm quite new to systems with systemd…
Alex Marshall
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3 answers

Yocto beaglebone wired ssh

I have a question regarding wired ssh configuration on beaglebone using Yocto. I have an image ready with: packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh openssh-sftp-server (and bunch of others but i dont this they are relevant in this situation). Everything boots…
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2 answers

Segmentation fault SIGSEGV error on BeagleBone

I have still problem with a Segmentation fault in the C code. When I call the function current_live_read(ainpath); for the 8th time I'm getting the error: No source available for "_int_malloc() at 0x25be2" The main function looks like this: void…
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