Questions tagged [batik]

Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as display, generation or manipulation.

Apache Batik is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that want to use images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format for various purposes, such as display, generation or manipulation.

The project’s ambition is to give developers a set of core modules that can be used together or individually to support specific SVG solutions. Examples of modules are the SVG Parser, the SVG Generator and the SVG DOM. Another ambition for the Batik project is to make it highly extensible —for example, Batik allows the developer to handle custom SVG elements. Even though the goal of the project is to provide a set of core modules, one of the deliverables is a full fledged SVG browser implementation which validates the various modules and their inter-operability.

The Batik toolkit includes the following:


  • An SVG DOM implementation
  • A set of SVG microsyntax parsers
  • A scripting module
  • A generator that creates an SVG document from Java2D calls
  • A Swing SVG component
  • A transcoder module

Tools and applications:

  • Squiggle, an SVG browser
  • An SVG rasterizer
  • A to SVG converter
  • A pretty printer for SVG source files

Official Website:

Useful Links:

367 questions
2 answers

HeadlessException thrown by Apache Batik 1.7 WMFTranscoder

I use this code successfully in a Java desktop application (JUnit tests in NetBeans) to generate SVG from WMF data: InputStream wmfStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(wmfBytes); WMFTranscoder transcoder = new WMFTranscoder(); TranscoderInput wmf = new…
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1 answer

How I can repaint a JSVGCanvas after editing the SVGDocument? using Apache Batik

I'm trying to modify the SVG document in runtime and go repainting the modifications performed to the SVG: I need your help, i'm trying with repaint method, but is not posible refresh the SVG Canvas. this is the code: import java.awt.*; import…
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Java Create element in SVG DOM

I create a Java application to modify some SVG files. Here is my issue : I would like to add an elements to the DOM of my SVG files to create link on a rectangle. The SVG file is generated from another application. I need to do it in Java. So here…
1 answer

Error exporting vaadin chart to pdf, using Batik and Itext

everyone. I'm getting this error when I try to export a chart to a pdf file. I took the example from the Itext site and implemented it in my code. This is a snippet of the code where it does the exportation else if (isGrafico(componente)) { …
1 answer

Java : Batik exception

Thanks in advance for your help ! I've encountered a problem using batik with an svg file I'm actually creating with the svg I got from my html element. The exception I get is: org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeException: The markup in the document…
0 answers

Access svg path 'd' attribute

I have added SVG path element into a nodelist and I can print out the length of the list. May I know how to access the path 'd' attribute of the node. svgDoc = domObj.createDoc(f.toURL().toString()); NodeList svgPathList =…
1 answer

org.w3c.dom.Document undo in java

Is it possible to apply an UndoManager() to an org.w3c.dom.Document? If not, is there any way for undo / redo an org.w3c.dom.Document? Thanks in advance.
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Highcharts - Export PDF texts as text (and not vectorized shapes)

I export an Highcharts chart as a PDF file, everything's fine. But when I open this chart in Adobe Illustrator (to change some text) : the characters are all vectorized so, to change the text, I have to delete all my text and rewrite another…
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JSVGCavas BridgeUserAgent displayError() override

I've met a problem and I've been struggling last 2 days. I have a compiled program that runs some simulations and visualizes the results in an SVG file. The file is replaced every 2 seconds with a new one, until the simulation is done. Wanting to…
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Batik rasterizer UTF-8 Error

I'm trying Batik's rasterizer and everything is working fine. This is the Java line I'm running to convert the svg to a png : java -jar batik-rasterizer.jar -m image/png samples/barChart.svg And this is the content of the SVG…
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2 answers

Batik Rasterizer logo watermark remove from genereated image

Anyone know how to remove the Batik logo from the generated images? I'm trying the examples on their page This is the source svg image…
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1 answer

convert jpeg/png to tiff in java

I am using batik library for image conversion , I need to convert jpeg/png to tiff format. Can anyone help me on how to do the conversion using batik (preferable) , because i am using the same library for other SVG conversions.
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1 answer

Embedding an SVG document inside an SVG document, but maintaining accessibility

I need to include an SVG document (actually 3) inside another SVG document for the purpose of scrolling the embedded SVG document. I use a Batik JSVGCanvas to display it inside a Java application. Since putting that canvas into a JScrollPane and…
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1 answer

Batik svg conversion upon click event

I have a simple webpage with an editable .svg image preview which includes some text, which the user can enter via a standard html form. When they're happy and want to continue to the next step, they click the save button. Theoretically the image…
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1 answer

Netbeans doesn't recognize xercesimpl

I am trying to build a plugin for netbeans using maven and for some reason Netbeans doesn't recognize xercesimpl.jar packaged with the plugin. Here is the stacktrace I see. SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser…
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