Questions tagged [batch-processing]

Batch-processing refers to programmatic execution with minimum human interaction.

Batch processing is a general term for frequently-used programs that are executed with minimum human interaction. Batch-process jobs are often scheduled to start up on their own, as resources permit. Historically and practically, this is integral to scripting; thus the well-known batch file.

Batch processing can as easily refer to performing a sequence of actions on a group (batch) of items, whether in software, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.

3632 questions
1 answer

Where does a dynamodb2 batch begin and end?

I am trying to move my python code from using dynamodb to dynamodb2 to have access to the global secondary index capability. One concept that to me is a lot less clear in ddb2 compared to ddb is that of a batch. Here's once version of my new code…
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Batch copy and rename with appended filename

I am trying to duplicate a file several times, each time appending the filename with an integer (0001, 0002, 0003 ...) I am looking to create a work log sheet for each system in our office (50 something systems). Systems are named ST0001 - ST0050.…
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How to set schema in db2batch query

How can I set schema before or in the statament of db2batch. I am using below one. db2batch -d ${DB_NAME} -a ${DB_USERNAME}/${DB_PASSWORD} -f ${input_file} I have tried settting schema in the very first statement of input file. But its' not taking…
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1 answer

Find JOBID with REXX on z/os

Can anybody give me a hint on how I can get the JOBID of my REXX-Script submitted via a JCL? JOBNAME, for example, is no problem but I haven't found a reference to the JOBID in any ControlBlock so far. Thank you very much in advance!
Klaus Schulz
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2 answers

Is it possible to submit batch processing requests with the Python Youtube API?

I'm writing an application using Python that adds videos to a user's playlist on Youtube. Doing this one at a time causes Youtube to start throttling my requests. There is a batch processing API that allows you to submit 50 requests at once, but I…
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R Wait until system executable is finished

I am trying to run a series of input files (located in my C:/GenSoftware/Colony/datFiles/ directory) through an executable Colony2.exe that is located in my C:/GenSoftware/Colony/ directory. I attempt to rename file 1, copy it to the same directory…
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4 answers

Powershell to Create a zip (or 7z) of each file in a folder then delete original file

I have a folder with a Ton of iso images. I've found that a lot of the images have dummy data in them to reach the size of the original DVD. I can save an enormous amount of space by zipping them up. I tried creating a batch file but it failed to…
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2 answers

Nested Batch Structure execution gets terminated

I have a nested batch structure. First I start with X.cmd which calls X1.cmd and then X2.cmd. But it is required that X2.cmd must start exactly after X1.cmd has done with its job. Currently, after the execution of X1.cmd, it does not continue with…
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1 answer

Process only first file received in a batch file

From a bunch of files received over a period of time, I want to process each file sequentially in First In First Out manner.The file names are suffixed with sequence no. in the order they were received. Files names would be like: 100_abc.txt,…
0 answers

Best practise for apache shiro security in async (batch) processing

Suppose I have a web application which uses Apache Shiro for authentication (LDAP) and authorization (DB). Everything's fine. Now I want the web user to schedule some time consuming tasks using Quartz. Shall the permission be checked only at task…
3 answers

How to translate a 12-hour time into 24-hour in a batch command

I'm new to the batch command , recently I'm working on a batch script to get a file update time . :GET_FILE_UPDATE_TIME rem **************************************** rem ** Get the modify time of the file rem…
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2 answers

Multiple if conditions in batch

I want something like this:- if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 && %ERRORLEVEL% neq 255 GOTO Not closed by user . But this syntax is not working.
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Need Design & Implementation inputs on Cassandra based use case

I am planning to store high-volume order transaction records from a commerce website to a repository (Have to use cassandra here, that is our DB). Let us call this component commerceOrderRecorderService. Second part of the problem is - I want to…
Santanu Dey
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1 answer

Override index columns activeadmin

So I would like to have a shortened table with batch actions. ActiveAdmin.register User do batch_action :acitve do |selection| User.find(selection).each do |user|! true end end filter :email index do column…
Jackie Chan
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1 answer

How to implement batch fetching with Fluent NHibernate when working with Oracle?

I've tried using Future feature with Oracle but NHibernate does not support it. I've read some about Batch Fetching feature: How could I use it with Fluent NHibernate? how…
The Light
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