Questions tagged [background-fetch]

Background fetch is a background execution mode on iOS 7 and newer, used for apps that regularly update their content by contacting a server can register with the system and be launched periodically to retrieve that content in the background.

Background fetch is a background execution mode on iOS 7 and newer, used for apps that regularly update their content by contacting a server can register with the system and be launched periodically to retrieve that content in the background.


214 questions
2 answers

Can i use startupdatinglocation in background?

I need to know if I am near to a saved Geo-location in my app within a range starting at 10 Meters to 500 Meters in background. I have used startMonitoringForSignificantLocationChange but I am not getting accurate results. Instead using…
1 answer

How to download data from server when application is in background in ios

In my application , After receving push notification I need to download data from server and saved into database when application is in back ground. here is my code NSOperationQueue *myQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; NSURLRequest…
2 answers

What is the best way to implement background service which run after every 10 minutes to fetch data from url in IOS?

I want background service which run after every 10 minutes to fetch data from url and update it in database. I have searched a lot. it give me examples which run continuously for 3 minutes and then stop. or examples of pull and refresh data. but I…
1 answer

Sending Network Request as soon as device is unlocked

Apologies if this question has already been asked but during my search of stackoverflow i could not find an exact answer to this question. Is there any allowed way that my app can make a network request as soon as the iOS device is unlocked ? All of…
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