Questions tagged []

Enables to build and debug hosted services in .NET and to deploy them to Azure

Windows Azure SDK for .NET is a set of tools that enable the development and deployment of hosted services in .NET . In particular:

  • it provides the libraries needed to write web and worker roles;
  • it provides a development environment that emulates Compute and Storage in order to debug locally the service;
  • it provides the tools needed to package the roles into a file that can be deployed on Azure;
  • it provides integration with Visual Studio 2010/2012 that assists the developer in the programming, the debugging, the deployment and the monitoring of hosted services.
427 questions
1 answer

In Visual Studio, using Windows Azure Storage, where does "Remember Account Key" get saved?

Recently I reformatted my PC, which previously had Visual Studio installed on it. In Visual Studio, under Server Explorer -> Windows Azure Storage, before reformatting, I had a storage account configured for one of my hosted services in Azure. …
1 answer

Significant performance degration on ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync between Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage

I've been researching moving from Storage Account table storage to CosmosDB table storage. Currently I am using the WindowsAzure.Storage (9.3.3) library to query data in a .net core 3.1 application. As part of this migration I have switched to the…
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2 answers

Azure blob storage exception "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

I'm trying to use azure blob storage. I uploaded some images successfully, but all the sudden I get the error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host I looked into it and the exception is thrown whenever I try to check if a…
J. Doe
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5 answers

Azure ExpiredAuthenticationToken during New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment when deploying resources via Visual Studio

I'm trying to deploy an HDInsight cluster using an ARM template via Visual Studio. I've created an Azure Resource Group project in Visual Studio 2015, and added my resource definitions to the template JSON files. However when I've gone to deploy it…
1 answer

Azure Publish Error - Could not copy the file obj\Debug\build.force

I tried to publish my Azure Cloud project, and I am getting the following error message Could not copy the file obj\Debug\build.force because it was not found C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Windows Azure…
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1 answer

Azure Debugging Environment in VS2015 crashes on start

This just started happening out of the blue recently. I tried all the solutions I can find on Stack and other forums but nothing so far has worked. When I try to start debugging on an Azure worker role, this is as far as I get: The Debug window…
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2 answers

Azure WebJobs: Is it possible to retrieve the Host Url programmatically in the console app?

I would like to invoke a REST call from my WebJob, I am wondering if it is possible to programmatically retrieve the Host Url ( from inside my WebJob, instead of hard-coding the URL.
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5 answers

Failed to debug the Windows Azure Cloud Service Project. The output directory does not exist. / Azure SDK 2.3 / VS 2013

I have Azure SDK 2.3 installed on my Windows 7 machine. The target .Net framework is set to 4.0. I'm able to upgrade my solution to Azure SDK 2.3 and build with no problems. However, when I try to run the solution, I get the following error: Failed…
2 answers

How to turn existing class library into worker role

Is there a way to turn an existing class library into a worker role? I don't want to add more projects to the solution especially when this project will only call MyLibrary.Class.Run().
Uri Abramson
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4 answers

How to automatically detect the version of installed Azure SDK?

Is there a simple (documented?) way to detect the actually installed version of Azure SDK in automation script? I am going to define conditional behavior depending on this version. Currently, I just look into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft…
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1 answer

Document DB SDK with ORDER BY caused ServiceUnvailableException

I'm using DocumentDB. Given index policy: messageType: string - precision -1 deviceId: string - precision -1 Query 1: SELECT * FROM c WHERE c._ts >= 1563721200 AND c._ts < 1563807600 AND c.messageType = 'attack' AND c.deviceId >= 'A' AND c.deviceId…
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1 answer

CloudBlockBlob.DownloadToStream vs DownloadRangeToStream

Trying to use the ASP.NET azure SDK for downloading images from blob storage.. I read in another post that DownloadToStream does break blobs up into smaller pieces and downloads them in parallel in order to increase performance. I believe this is…
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2 answers

Unable to add "WindowsAzure.Storage" dependency to .Net Core (ASP.NET 5) class library

My project solution is set up this way contains the following projects MyProjectSolution.sln MyProject.WebPI( 5 WebAPI) MyProject.Data( 5 class libray) MyProject.Domain( 5 class libray) I followed the steps listed…
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2 answers

Hosted build on VSO with Azure SDK 2.8 fails

We recently updated our Azure SDK to 2.8. Now when building our solution on VSO hosted build we get build errors. The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Windows Azure Tools\ …
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2 answers

Azure SDK, Trace.Information and WADLogsTable

I am writing a new Cloud Service in .NET using Azure SDK 2.5. I'm aware that there have been some significant changes to diagnostics with the 2.5 SDK rekesae. Where I am getting conflicting information is whether or not I can still use Azure…
Gavin Osborn
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