Questions tagged [azure-management-api]

Azure Management API encompasses all the REST APIs that are used to manage Azure services. It is not the same as Azure API Management which is a specific service on Azure.

188 questions
1 answer

How to upload an Azure Management Certificate using the Azure Powershell

Is it possible to upload an Azure Management Certificate using the Azure Powershell or Azure CLI? Background: My goal is to write a script that'll let me log into Azure using my Microsoft credentials, and then once I'm authenticated to Azure it'll…
Zain Rizvi
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How to create a Power BI Embedded workspace with azure CLI?

That is driving me insane. My main goal is to embed POWER BI reports/tiles in my Rails Web App. I have a POWER BI account with some reports. I have also created a Workspace collection on the Azure Portal for Power BI Embedded. Through the portal I…
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Office365: Unauthorized response when accessing the management activity api

I am having trouble accessing the management activity API that has recently been rolled out. Though I believe I have correctly configured my app Yet when I make the following API…
Syed Mauze Rehan
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2 answers

Azure Api Management - set favicon on developer portal, edit greetings email template

Could you help me with two very simple and obvious question: How to set a favicon on developer portal in azure api management? How to edit an email template for a newly created user account? In notifications tab there are any other template except…
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How can I programmatically find how much Azure Storage space I have consumed so far?

There's a volume limitation per Azure Storage Account is 200 TB (two hundred terabytes). This sounds real large but if you store files in blob storage 25 megabytes each you can have about four million of them stored which is nice but not something…
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How to get subscription id programmatically in a Azure Role?

I have this Worker Role which makes use of REST Management API (through, whose the most basic pre-requisite is the Subscription ID. Is there a way to get the Subscription ID from a running (worker) role?…
Igor Gatis
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What is the difference between Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resourcemanager.Fluent and Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent nuget packages?

There are 2 nuget packages for Azure resource management: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resourcemanager.Fluent Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent How exactly are these nuget packages differ and when to use which one?
2 answers

Can't list azure appservices (spring boot apps) in a subscription using Azure Management Libraries for Java

I'm trying to list my deployed spring boot application in appservices in one of my azure subscription using azure management libraries for java but not able to do so. Everything works fine from azure cli. azure java sdk version 1.18.0 (latest) jdk…
1 answer

Creating resource groups from Azure Web App Managed Service Identity

I'm trying to build a Bot using MS Bot framework and this bot is hosted as an Azure Web App. I've added code to create resource groups using the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent APIs AzureCredentialsFactory f = new AzureCredentialsFactory(); var…
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2 answers

SQL Server with Azure access creation with Azure Management Libraries for .Net

I create azure SQL servers using the Azure Management Libraries for .Net and I need to add a firewall rule to allow Azure Services to access the new server (like the switch in the portal). I currently create the server like this sqlServer =…
1 answer

Azure metrics returning 0s from MetricsClient

I have a nightly job that gathers a couple of different metrics from Azure, using the the MetricsClient from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring. This has been set up and was working for a while. However recently it stopped working…
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4 answers

Dynamic table storage name

is it possible to have a dynamic table storage table name in a data factory input? Everything what I find is with a fix name "properties": { "type": "AzureTable", "linkedServiceName": "StorageLinkedService", "typeProperties": { "tableName":…
3 answers

Azure ARM Templates and REST API

I'm trying to learn Azure Resource Templates and am trying to understand the workflow behind when to use them and when to use the REST API. My sense is that creating a Virtual Network and Subnets in Azure is a fairly uncommon occurance, once you get…
Stuart Brown
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Access U-SQL execution logs

Can we access U-SQL execution logs? Are these exposed to developers to gather important statistics? Is there any API that is exposed to us or any U-SQL library already present? Thanks
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Azure API Authentication

I am using Azure API's in C# code and used below libraries: using Microsoft.Rest; using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication; using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store; using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.StoreUploader; using…
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