Questions tagged [azure-keyvault]

Microsoft Azure Key Vault is a cloud-hosted service that allows applications to encrypt/decrypt data using (HSM stored) cryptographic keys and store and retrieve secrets.

Azure Key Vault helps safeguard cryptographic keys and secrets used by cloud applications and services. By using Key Vault, you can encrypt keys and secrets (such as authentication keys, storage account keys, data encryption keys, .PFX files, and passwords) by using keys that are protected by hardware security modules (HSMs). For added assurance, you can import or generate keys in HSMs (keys never leave the HSM boundary). The HSMs are FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated.

Key Vault streamlines the key management process and enables you to maintain control of keys that access and encrypt your data. Developers can create keys for development and testing in minutes, and then seamlessly migrate them to production keys. Security administrators can grant (and revoke) permission to keys, as needed.

1726 questions
1 answer

Programatically adding Secrets to Key Vault in C#

I am attempting to put some output from a service I am running in a Key Vault in Azure. The output of my service will be user credentials which is why I want to use Key Vault for this purpose. So far, I have tried the KeyVaultClient's…
Kyle Bachmann
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5 answers

Terraform with Azure Key Vault to get secret value

Is there any way to get the value of a secret from Azure Key Vault? Doesn't look like value gets exposed in the key vault secret object here.
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2 answers

Error when deploying ARM template that includes certificate stored in key vault

I am attempting to deploy an ARM template from Release Management that includes a 'Microsoft.Web/certificates' resource which references a certificate stored in a key vault. This works fine when the key vault exists in the same subscription as the…
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3 answers

How do I access Azure Key Vault using user credentials?

I'm trying to write a simple application to access Azure KeyVault using my own, domain joined credentials. I don't know if it's the credentials part or how I'm accessing KeyVault, but I keep getting an "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not…
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1 answer

Access Azure Key Vault stored secret using application not deployed in Azure

I've read in most articles that deploying an application in Azure is needed such that an application will be able programmatically access the secrets stored in the Azure Key Vault. Is there a way to not deploy the application in azure and have it…
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5 answers

How to debug a ConflictError when adding an access policy to a key vault using an ARM deployment

I am trying to add access policies to a Keyvault using ARM deployment. Multiple access policies are being deployed at the same time (using copy Arm method and nested templates), and some of them (not always the same ones when I retrigger the…
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5 answers

How to map Azure Functions secrets from Key Vault automatically

I was wondering if it's possible to initialize the queue trigger or even the blob trigger off a connection string that is read from azure vault. Right now, we have to set these data connection via environment settings via blade properties. …
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1 answer

Secure ADF v2 Pipeline Parameter String for WebActivity

I have ADF v2 Pipeline with a WebActivity which has a REST Post Call to get Jwt Access token from AD token api ( I have to pass username and password in the body. Right now, i'm…
1 answer

Azure KeyVaultAccessForbidden - "not enabled for deployment"

I'm building a set of scripts and templates to create a Service Fabric cluster in Azure. I've got a script that creates a key vault and a self-signed certificate and successfully uploads it to the vault. Another script creates the cluster but it's…
3 answers

Azure KeyVault: Azure.Identity.CredentialUnavailableException: DefaultAzureCredential failed to retrieve a token from the included credentials

I am trying to connect my aspnet core application that is targeting .net framework with Azure Keyvault. On a new azure vm that supports identity everything works fine, but this application is hosted on a classic azure vm that does not support…
Dylan Meivis
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2 answers

Is it possible to get the private key out of Azure Key Vault Keys?

All of the data encryption/decryption examples I have seen with Azure key Vault do the encryption locally and decryption within Azure itself by using the keyVaultClient.DecryptAsync() method. I understand that this is more secure as the private key…
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2 answers

Configuration Error Azure Key Vault as a Visual Studio Connected Service ConfigurationBuilder

I am trying to wire up Azure Key Vault in my ASP.NET (.Net Framework) MVC Web App using Visual Studio 2017 Community 15.7.5 Connected Service targeting .Net 4.7.2. It adds a configBuilder with the name AzureKeyVault with an attribute called…
John Donnelly
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2 answers

Invalid provider type specified. CryptographicException

I am trying to run the script GetAppConfigSettings.ps1 from Microsoft docs help setting up a Key Vault The script contains the following # ********************************************************************************************** # Prep the cert…
Kirsten Greed
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1 answer

Key Vault returns 401 with access token (MSI PowerShell Function App)

I am trying to connect to Keyvault with my Azure Function using PowerShell. The Managed Service Identity (MSI) has been turned on, and in Keyvault I granted the MSI 'get' and 'list' access policies. Using the script below I successfully get an…
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1 answer

Azure Key Vault Secrets unmanaged and managed whats the difference?

Within the Azure portal > KeyVaults > Secrets there appears to be two sets of Secrets: "unmanaged" and "managed". When adding a new Secret it appears to go straight to the "unmanaged" section (there is no option to choose). What is the difference…
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