Questions tagged [axis-labels]

The labels on any axis of a plot

The labels on any axis of a plot. For example, the x and y axis labels of a 2D plot.

Use this tag for problems regarding the typography, visibility, layout, and/or placement of the axis labels in your plot.

1330 questions
1 answer

Adding label on x axis in R

I would like to add a label on the x axis of my bar chart. Here is how I generated my bar chart in R: x <- c(10,10,10,10,10) y <- c(45.57, 8, 8, 14,0.5 ) barplot(y, x) barplot(y, x, xaxt="n") I know adding xaxt="n" allows me to edit my labels, but…
1 answer

XamChart axis labels get cut off

I'm working with some XamCharts in Blend 4, WPF. Chart data gets loaded via .xml files, but this is not the problem. My problem is that the axis labels get cut off. So instead of using less space for the bar chart it decides to cut off the labels.…
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How to change the axis title font size of a `trellis` object?

I have a trellis object generated by a 3rd-party package. With that being said, I cannot change the attributes by re-creating another trellis object. I have to change its attributes after it has been created. I have figured out which attributes…
Matthew Hui
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2 answers

R - How to make a plot with two variables on the horizontal axis?

I'm a rookie in R. This is my date frame: I UserID | hour | min | velocity #1 1 0 0 12 #2 1 0 30 20 #3 1 1 0 19 #4 1 1 30 11 #5 1 2 0 12 …
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Reduce the xticklabels area in a matplotlib figure

My x-axis ticklabels (the ones below graph) are stealing valuable space from the overall figure. I have tried to reduce its size by changing the text rotation, but that doesn't help much since the text labels are quite long. Is there a better…
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Why this R ggplot subscript is not working?

Code where trying to apply g + labs(y=expression(N_{s})) with the following error which does not make sense g <- ggplot(datm, aes(variable, value, fill=gender)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", position = position_dodge()) + facet_grid(male.Nij ~ group)…
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영
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2 answers

How can I build histogram with proportion values in y-axis?

I am experimenting with ggplot package in R language. My task is to plot the chart shown in the picture from this excellent…
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1 answer

Multiple UILabel in single row

Need help to create a UILables layout like this with multiple Labels an multiple actions. Consider the Facebook News&Feed example for this.
Waqar Ahmed
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1 answer

convert numeric tick to date in ggplot

First, I don't have producible data, so please don't bother to comment about this. I was tring to generate a graph using ggplot2(). Then, x-axis is in numberic version. Data frame has also x=1~10, y=blah blah. Eveything was fine, till now, I need to…
3 answers

Implementing custom barchart in android

I'm trying to implement a custom barchart which should look exactly like this. I tried mpChart but could only get this far barDataSet = new BarDataSet(barEntries, ""); barData = new BarData(barDataSet); barData.setBarWidth(.5f); …
Narayan C.R
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