Questions tagged [avd]

Android Virtual Device (AVD), is a virtual instance of the target device (phone/tablet) which can be run in the Android emulator for simulation.

Android Virtual Device (AVD), is a virtual instance of the target device (phone/tablet) which can be run in the Android emulator for simulation.

AVD supports various CPU architectures and Android API levels, emulating the necessary instruction sets. It supports some hardware like external SD card, camera that can be emulated using webcam and keyboard that can be emulated using both on screen and physical workstation keyboard. Some other hardware sensors can be emulated on AVD by using SensorSimulator.

Developer can have multiple AVD on the desktop. While AVD is not a complete replacement for testing on a physical phone, a physical phone is also not a complete replacement for AVD as AVD allows to test under various architectures , APIs and screen sizes.

Developers can use avdmanager to create or delete AVDs or manage them through Android Studio. There are several commands and options to manage and edit AVD settings here.

2467 questions
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E/flutter (16289): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: SocketException: Socket has been closed

I am new to flutter and I am trying to connect my app to the MySQL database. Which is located in localhost(xampp). I am using mysql1 for this purpose. However, when I am trying to connect to the database I am encountering this error. "E/flutter…
1 answer

Building Android 11 for x86 with ARM compatibility

Earlier this year, Google published the new Android 11 x86 system images with ARM compatibility. According to what is written in this article, these new ARM-compatible Android 11 system images allow the entire system to run x86 natively, while…
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How to reduce the size of qcow2 file when taking Android emulator snapshots?

We are trying to automate the creation of snapshots for testing our application. We may create up to 10,000 snapshots. For the sake of testing, we created ~400 snapshots. We noticed that the ~/.android/avd/Test.avd/userdata-qemu.img.qcow2 file…
0 answers

APK restrict installation in a virtual device

If you try to download and install an APK of Instagram or TikTok on an AVD it will not be installed and you will get an error but the same APK would work on a physical device, I would like to restrict an app to be installed on an emulator device in…
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Android emulator crash on Mac OS High Sierra

Android emulator that was created in Android Studio 4.1.1. crashes after a message "Do you want to save the current state for the next boot" with yes and no options. Clicking either of them crashes the emulator. Attached is the picture. I have set…
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Android, how to create an avd for arm64-v8a based on api 29

I need to build my Android app for arm64-v8a devices using api 29. I see there isn't a "Google apis arm64 v8a System Image" for based on api 29. Which is the right way to build an app for arm64-v8a devices version based on api 29?
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Android Studio Emulator big border

i am unsing the Andriod Emulator from the Android Studio and it worked perfectly before but now it has this big black Border on the Right and Bottom I tried diffrent Devices (in the AVD manager) and diffrent OS's (in the AVD manager) and i also…
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Emulator process for AVD was killed

I just downloaded Android Studio, so everything is freshly installed but I keep getting the error Emulator process for AVD was killed, : HAXM is installed, but also tried reinstalling it multiple times I do have enough disk space AVD API is…
Kiss Adam
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AVD: Emulator with custom width/height issue, screen looks scaled down

I'm trying to create an emulator for an old phone, using 540x960 as size. The emulator is being created, but the screen looks stretched and everything looks smaller than it should. It seems everything gets scaled down and not following the normal…
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AVD error when trying to run within Android Studio

why is it that I can run my avd as a separate window but not within the application in android studio? I'm running the latest version of everything. Here is a picture of my avd as a standalone application. This is what the console prints out when I…
0 answers

disable networking in AVD (scripted)

Dealing with detecting android malware. Running it in an AVD, but being malware i want to disable networking just like you would in a VM that you are testing malware with. Many samples (>=hundreds) are being tested in an automated system, but the…
0 answers

Android simulate multiple web service calls simultaneously from multiple users

I have an Android app that calls a REST web service and displays the JSON data on the user interface. I need to simulate multiple requests to this web service from several users and compute the average and maximum response time for these requests…
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flutter android studio 4.1 unable to locate adb

I know this question exists a lot on StackOverflow but none of the solutions I found seem to work. The problem Run without project or with android project I ofcourse need to select the correct API version but the AVD starts without any problem. Run…
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Devices list from avdmanager is different from Android Studio's

I would like to create a Pixel 4 XL avd for example from the avdmanager command line but it is not part of the list of available devices contrary to Android Studio where I can choose more models. The command to see the available devices for creating…
F Perroch
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Android Studio Import Project Gradle Build Fail

Gradle Build Issuse I been trying to build the app but the main problem I am having is the builds cradle version. I am still new to the world of coding and would like to be able to solve this problem. I am currently using the Murach Android…
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