Questions tagged [autoscroll]

A behaviour of a control that allows automatic scrolling capability.

548 questions
1 answer

(VB 2010) Label's Text extends from it's locked size. How do I scroll to last line?

I've been writing a program that calls batch files (which download some stuff). I've added a label that reports the download progress to the user. The program is going to allow for multiple downloads so at some point the Label will be full of text.…
1 answer

Disable scrollTop at the top of last div instead of bottom

Hi I have what I believe to be a complicated issue and I'm hoping someone can help. I have a long page with scrolling animations. There is a play button to start autoscrolling the page. I have the autoscrolling working fine with a 30 second…
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Auto scroll the swing container

i have made a custom component which is a container and contains a number of other components (JPanels, JLabels, etc). I want to make this container autoscroll when a drag-n-drop operation occurs. Now i have to move the the scrolls manually.
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Panels' Autoscroll with expanding Panel within doesn't work

Well, I've got two Panels. The parent panel is docked (fill) and the autoscroll is true. The Autosize of the child is on true, the dock is none, it got also no anchors and will be filled with a dynamically built picturebox. The resizing of the child…
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how to add a counter updating when you scroll down a page

How can I add a counter updating when you scroll down a page? I like the effect that chartbeat has. What jQuery should I use to be able to achieve that?
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Android background animation ListView/GridView

I want to make a gridView (or ListView) scrolling automatically (without user interaction) repeatly. I want it on the background, the user has not the possibility to scroll the gridView, he has only one button in foreground to start an activity. It…
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Go back on browser - return to link location

I have a page with a long list of search result set. When clicking a result you are directed to a different page that show this specific item details. What I want is when the user goes back on his browser, the window is located at the link he…
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AutoScrolling with zooming image in iphone

I am new to iphone i am working on project in which i am autoscrolling the image with scrollview also along with it i have to do zoom in and out of image.Is this possible ? and if Yes how it can be done.Please suggest me some code. Thanks.
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