Questions tagged [autohotkey]

AutoHotkey (AHK) is a free, open-source macro-creation and automation software for Microsoft Windows that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. It is driven by a scripting language that was initially aimed at providing keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys, that over time evolved into a full-fledged scripting language.

AutoHotkey (AHK) is a free, open-source macro-creation and automation software for Microsoft Windows that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. It is driven by a scripting language that was initially aimed at providing keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys, that over time evolved into a full-fledged scripting language.

AutoHotkey can be used to:

  1. Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a mouse or keyboard macro by hand or a macro recorder.
  2. Remap keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.
  3. Create hotkeys for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Essentially any key, button or combination can become a hotkey.
  4. Automate almost any kind of GUI.
  5. Retrieve and change the clipboard's contents.
  6. Opening programs, documents, and websites with simple keystrokes.
  7. Monitoring a system and automatically opening wanted and closing unwanted programs.
  8. Scheduling an automatic reminder, system scan, or backup.
  9. Creating text replacement task or automatic spelling corrections.
  10. Convert any AHK script into an executable file that can be run on computers where AutoHotkey is not installed.
  11. Create simple GUI tools.

AutoHotkey also has a very friendly and helpful community.


3938 questions
1 answer

AutoHotKey. Hotstrings and Auto-replace not working in Visual Studio 2008

Is it any possibility to persist work of Hotstrings in Visual Studio 2008. For instance, I want to get following results: "ras" => replace to runat="server" I use following script, which work in another application, except VS…
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AutoHotkey ControlSend problem on one machine

I have this AutoHotkey script that has a weird problem. It is used in 3 workstations, but in one the ControlSend doesn't seem to work as the hotkey doesn't work in program A. All three machines have Windows XP and are Pentium 4 level machines with…
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Finding differences between loading and ready versions of page

I have written a script that is supposed to open up pages, then print them. I had set it up to run a sleep delay to allow the new page to pop up. However, the pages are not loading in a predictable time. As the pages are loading, there is a…
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Click right mouse button to snap window being dragged to screen quarter

I'm close, but I can't get my trigger to work. I would like to be able to snap the window I'm currently dragging (active) to a quarter of the screen by right clicking while I dragging. It should snap to the quarter of the screen that my mouse is…
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AutoHotKey: How do I disable a key for X amount of time after pressing it?

I want a script that will press a button once, and then wait 3 seconds, before allowing it to be pressed again in AutoHotKey. I use F3 to send to send Q and {F3}. $F3:: Send q Send {F3} return However, I hold down F3 to send Q repeatedly, but I…
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AutoHotKey (AHK) How to make wait for a command to finish before destroying GUI

Gui, Add, Button, w%buttonWidth% r%buttonHeight% gbutton1, &1. %var1% button1: WinActivate [title] send %var1% Gui Destroy return Currently when I press 1, the Gui is closed before it can type the variable. How do I either get it to type fast…
Mr. Mittens
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1 answer

text replacement ONLY if hotstring is typed at beginning of a line

Here's what I tried. :*:func:: { clipboard = startOfLine Send +{LEFT}^c clipwait if(clipboard == "startOfLine") send,function xxx() {{}`n`n`n{}}{UP 2}{BACK}{TAB} } return but the clipboard never gets replaced is there a better…
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AHK Hotkeys not allowed inside function

I want to create a script that lets me send strings from an array, one by one at the press of a hotkey. (Press once and the first line is sent, press again and the second line is sent and so on) but my (so far limited) comprehension of AutoHotKey…
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1 answer

Excel 2007 rejecting bold command after conditional formatting is applied

I have an AutoHotkey script that is interacting with an Excel (2007) spreadsheet. It does the following: Type an entry, Selectively bold words in entry, Move to 2nd cell and type another entry, Move to 3rd cell and stop. This works perfectly, but…
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autohotkey show main window command

At the end of my AutoHotKey scripts, I like to put in a pause hotkey for debugging. I would also like to pop up the AHK main window to view lines most recently executed. I couldn't find this script command. Anyone know what it is?
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AHK How to switch Ctrl and Shift keys

I would like to switch Left Shift and Ctrl key, so whenever I press Left Shift + P I get Ctrl P instead. But also I will like that when I press Ctrl + Shift get Ctrl + Shift (No Ctrl + Ctrl). I mean just call the Left Shift and Ctrl keys switch when…
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1 answer

Launching taskbar apps with AutoHotKey

Windows 8 allows you to launch/minimize/restore applications in the taskbar with Win+. I'd like to mimic this exact behaviour using the numpad instead, but I couldn't find how to reference to the applications in the taskbar: searching for it gives…
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AHK how can I open a file by vim

I'm the beginner of AHK. I want to open some files by vim. Here my manually steps: 1. Open context menu by right click the file 2. select "Edit with vim" Now, I want to map a shortcut key, ctrl + 1 for example. I can open a file by ^1::run…
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2 answers

I want SPACE+Mbutton to send another button without stopping space function

I want my script to send another button when I press both spacebar and middle mouse button. However, I also want the spacebar to work normally when only space is pressed (i.e. it makes spaces as normal). I've tried the script below and "space +…
1 answer

Script working only when current tab is at a certain website

How would I be able to have a script run only if I'm visiting a certain webpage? For instance, to scan for a certain string in the address bar and if it finds it to work.
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