Questions tagged [autofill]

Autofill relates to auto-populating data into user interface forms, etc.

Autofill is an option found in software programs such as Internet browsers that allows the users to quickly fill out common forms, with fields such as their address, e-mail, or credit card information.

For example, in a traditional shipping form you see when ordering something on-line: with Autofill you can select a field in the form, choose data you want to enter, and immediately have all fields filled out.

1255 questions
1 answer

Fill to end of sheet in vba

So I am copying and pasting updated identification keys into column A on my spreadsheet. Starting in column B there are formulas based on those keys that will update if the new keys are updated. My problem is, if I have more keys than I had…
2 answers

Macro in Excel: How to use contents of two adjacent cells (horizontal), autofill, and stop at certain word in spreadsheet

I would like to create a macro in Excel that: 1st: Finds a cell with a certain word. 2nd: Goes down one cell and left two cells (arrow keys) (from column C to column A) 3rd: Selects the cell in column A, and the adjacent cell in column B 4th: Auto…
1 answer

Visual Studio Lightswitch Auto Fill for existing data

I am new to using visual studio lightswitch and I have formed a table with data, but I want to know if there's a way I can get it so that when I start typing, suggestions will come up. As a lot of the data (i.e. Company Name) is repeated throughout,…
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image recognition with autofill in excel

ok, so here is what I'm trying to do. I fill out a form (which is .xsl) but I want to build a macro that will open a image recognition application and read a picture of a business card and paste the name in a cell in excel.. any info will be…
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How to run a .js script only when on a certain page?

I am new to chrome extensions so any help/advice is welcome. I would like to create an autofill chrome extension that fills in a form, only when on a certain page. How would I go about doing this? Thanks in advance.
1 answer

How to complete the form with last id from Mysql on submit

I am making an order form witch will fill data in 2 mysql tables. order and order_details both table contains order_number column. I have created a 3th table named order_num that contains order_numbers. My question is: How can I fill the…
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Autofill HTML form page for Web Development

I am created a dynamic registration page using HTML, PHP, and Javascript. I am trying to make it so that the form would not be submitted unless it meets the requirements of the form. Some sample requirements are if a field is filled, verified, in…
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3 answers

How to read & add all text from a text file to AutoComplete?

How to read & add all text from a text file to AutoComplete? ( C# Windows Application ) what i want is like:- foreach (string str in File.ReadAllLines("sometext.txt")) { AutoComplete.Items.Add(str);//this code not works it's just example }
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1 answer

UITextContentType username is taking email address but not username

I have a username textfield with textContentType as username and another with the password. Along with this, I had an email text field without any textContentType. When saving the credentials email is being saved as username but not the value from…
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1 answer

Excel - Autofill (copy) copies formulas but displays original value

I’ve created a few macros to analyze rain data from an airport. The macros work fine when I type them manually into each cell. When I copy the macros down the columns, the new rows correctly populate with the macro formula and reference cells.…
1 answer

Auto fill same Username password in different Browser Tabs

i want t to fill same username and password for all the webpages i am opening. even the webpages are different i want same username and pasword to be auto fill in all pages. Please help me on this. i am using IE and Chrome (Occasionally). Ex : i…
2 answers

A code that fills column A with unique reference numbers starting from 1

I want to have a code that when it runs, it fills the entire column A of the active sheet with a continuous series of numbers starting from 1 like 1,2,3,... . The numbers should start from cell A2. The result should be as follows: A2 = 1 ; A3 = 2 ;…
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2 answers

Is it possible to autofill an EditText in an application without clicking any buttons?

I have this form for the user to fill up and one of the Edit Text is BMI and I was thinking if it is possible to auto fill that BMI Edit Text after the user has enter the Height and Weight without clicking any button. I have Googled and found such…
Kelvin How
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1 answer

Why demo Jquery plugin isn't working?

I downloaded the autocomplete plugin, just a complete plugin demo. The only thing that i need to do is upload the SQL file to my database and update the database login details: /* Database setup information */ $dbhost = 'localhost:3307'; //…
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1 answer

Wrong Date Format In Form Field

I posted a similar question last night, unfortunately I included the wrong code to get the help I need. Let me try again. I am trying to autofill a 'date' field in my web form so the user doesn't have to enter it. Currently, I am using the code…
Jamie Sexton
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