Questions tagged [atom-editor]

Atom is a hackable text editor created by GitHub and developed on top of the Electron desktop application platform.

Atom is an open source text editor created originally for OS X by GitHub. It can be downloaded for free from for OS X, Windows, and Linux, or it can be built from source on any platform.

Atom, like Visual Studio Code, is largely built in JavaScript, LESS, HTML5, and CoffeeScript on top of GitHub's Electron desktop platform, which itself is built in C++. Atom distinguishes itself from other text editors by providing tight Git integration out of the box and an extensibility model familiar to JavaScript and Node developers.

For new users of Atom, the Atom Flight Manual provides basic information on how the editor works and ways to extend it through packages, custom init scripts, and keymaps. There is also a guide for creating your own packages.

For more in-depth discussions on how to use and extend Atom, visit Atom's Discuss Board, which is frequented by a number of GitHub and community developers.

3542 questions
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How to detect which plugin performs an action on save in Atom?

I'm editing the postcss custom properties project, and if I add a comment to the top of test/index.js Atom adds commas to the file on save, such that I get the following errors when I run the test. /home/ole/postcss-custom-properties/test/index.js …
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Ocaml editor on ubuntu : how to build the project?

I installed atom on ubuntu 16.10, and the plugins language-ocaml, with nuclide and merlin, and all the necessary stuff. the edition of an ML files is good, I have the autocompletion, the error checking... but I can't compile the file. Obviously, I…
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2 answers

How do I get intellisense for Javascript module in Atom or any other IDE?

I'm new to javascript and node js. I've following code in my authentication.js file I'm trying to get the intellisense working when I press client. ( and CTRL + space), I do not see anything. How do I be able to see functions that are within…
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How do I convert a markdown file with centered text in atom, using pandoc-convert to pdf?

Since markdown does not have any options for centering text, but does allow html inline, I've added a tag which works fine for converting to html, but not to pdf using the pandoc-convert package in atom. How do I convert this file to pdf using…
Ebrahim Jakoet
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1 answer

Regex for replacing class names throughout codebase in Atom Editor

I've been struggling with this for the last few days. I apologize if this is a duplicate, I wasn't able to find what I needed when searching for this particular question. I have class names like the following: class="block underline…
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How can I have Merlin look in other files when I have a multi-file OCaml project?

Suppose I have two files, and In I type: open Bar;; Which will import the file. Is there a way to have my Merlin Atom package look in that file rather than telling me it is an unbound module?
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How do I navigate ifdef structures using atom-editor?

Is there a way to navigate #ifdef structures in atom? #ifdef EXAMPLE ... code ... #else ... more code ... #endif If I am at the #ifdef and I want to navigate to the #else or the #endif, is there a way to do that within atom? I can perform searches,…
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1 answer

Spell-check in Atom in xml files

Does somebody know how to check for spelling mistakes only in xml files ? For example I have the following code : …
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2 answers with Nuclide : Line marker

Before I reset my mac, While using Atom ( with nuclide plugin installed ) I was able to mark lines. ( clicking on left side of line numbers ). After resetting my mac and installing Atom, I can't find that option. I also tried many Atom plugins but I…
Ata Mohammadi
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2 answers

App navigation in React Native : maximum call stack size exceeded

I'm using ReactNative to create an iOS app. But I encountered an error I don't know how to fix. I wanted to create a button for navigating to another scene. I followed Dark Army's tutorial on RN navigation and used the source code provided. I double…
Qay Yaz
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How to edit source while debugging Electron App

It would be very convenient if I could edit my JavaScript source code while debugging my electron-react application. I notice I seem to almost edit: However when I actually try to save this render.js file I get this error: How do I allow for the…
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failed to precompile Gurobi (on Windows, using Julia)?

I am trying to run a Julia program using Gurobi solver on Windows. I have already set up my GUROBI_HOME in windows as C:\gurobi701\win64. Here is the error message in Atom: error msg I have done the following in Julia interactive…
Christie Chen
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1 answer

Commands not executing on keybind, but are executing from command pallet

Got an issue with keymapping commands: As you can see in the video, when I call the commands by keyboard shortcut: On the first attempt - the function isn't called. On the second attempt - the function is…
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1 answer

Atom to adjust size of the Julia plot in the Plot Pane

I use Atom as the editor for writing my Julia code, and I was wondering if there is anyway that Julia plots are adjusted in terms of their size according to the size of the plots pane. That would be a very useful feature if you have a lot of tabs…
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1 answer

Atom keymap combos dont work with arrow keys

I have this in my keymap.cson file: 'body': 'ctrl-alt-left': 'editor:select-to-first-character-of-line' But it doesn't work (there is no effect). The following keymaps do work: 'body': 'ctrl-alt-a': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-line' …
max pleaner
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