Questions tagged [assets]

1. Non-code files packed with an application (example, data or media files). 2. From a security point of view - any data or resource that should be (or can be) protected.

3236 questions
1 answer

ZF2 asset-manager: html img path not resolved

I'm using zf2 RWOverdijk/AssetManager in a project built upon ZF2 Skeleton Application; it works fine for CSS and JS but can't resolve paths for IMG. AssetManager configuration in Application/config/module.config.php contains: namespace…
0 answers

Trying to get a list of Files in an internal Folder with libgdx

Im trying to make a level selection screen for a game FileHandle dirHandle; if( == ApplicationType.Android){ dirHandle = Gdx.files.internal("levels/"); } else{ dirHandle = Gdx.files.internal("./bin/levels"); …
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1 answer

Ways to compress resources and/or files in Asset folders?

I am approaching finishing my application. My asset folder has over 20 PDF files in it, and obviously they are taking up quite a bit of space. Is there a way I can compress these files to make the Application smaller? What are other good techniques…
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Play! 2 Framework doesn't recognize Apache port forwarding

I've just finished developing my first Play! 2 application and have to deploy it to my school server. The application runs on port :9002 and we use port forwarding in order to have a nicer URL (e.g. "" instead of…
1 answer

Syntax error while changing Font

I'm trying to change the Font of a textView (in my case custom_font) but if gives the 2 error on this line: txt.setTypeface(font); At the (dot) it says: Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s) At (Font) it says: Syntax error on token…
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3 answers

Right way to insert JS or CSS assets in Laravel views

I am a beginner to laravel and have encountered a highly complicated issue. I am creating a route with parameters which passes the data to the controller. Fairly simple so far. But then once my function in the controller, showProject($id), returns…
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1 answer

Capistrano: Killed RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets bundle exec rake assets:precompile

I was dealing with this issue the whole yesterday's afternoon, I found for example this topic, which didn't work out for me. Then I found a topic here on SO, where was given an advise to add load 'deploy/assets' to Capfile. Finally, it worked! But…
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Laravel runtime asset pipeline

Is there any package like CodeSleeve/asset-pipeline for laravel 4 where you have: -concatenation -minification -add resources at runtime from Views/Controllers -adding on a file by file basis Asset-pipeline is great for the most part, but the only…
1 answer

How to keep track and version your binary assets while keeping them outside of git/mircurial

I'm starting up a project using git or mercurial and I know that binary assets (art and non code) have the possibility of bloating the repository above a gig or two slowing it down and hitting many free services 2 gig cap. I'm wondering, whats the…
John Snow
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1 answer

WSO2 Enterprise Store : New asset type

Can i build a new asset type with predefined categories and based on each category provide a diferent LifeCycle Management and also diferent attributes of metadata ? (ex: ebooks for IT Category have a diferent lifecycle and diferent attributes of…
0 answers

Rails application sprocket environment can't find asset on heroku

For a rails application that I've deployed to heroku, I need to compile different stylesheets for different users and then upload them to Amazon S3. I create a sass file that defines several variables (mostly colors) and then compile this file and…
1 answer

How to load assets in production, Rails 4?

I've tried everything in other questions: Rails 4: assets not loading in production What can I do?
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1 answer

Setting the Build Action for a folder in VS for a Win 8.1 app

In previous Windows 8 /8.1 projects, any images that I have added to a folder inside the Assets folder is automatically set to "Content" in the Build Action. As a result, the images render when the project is built. But our latest project seems to…
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2 answers

Heroku serves assets very slowly

I'm having huge trouble serving assets in my Rails application .Loading a 2KB image on my VPS (served directly by nginx, not Rails) takes me 42ms. Loading it on Heroku might take more than 1 minute sometimes. The strange fact is that at this point…
Alessandro Desantis
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2 answers

Android webview in web/website page use local asset file (help)

I am unable to use local app asset(example script,image) file in website html page example :(webview) open page and this sample.html `Error Internet
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