Questions tagged [assembly]

Assembly language questions. Please tag the processor and/or the instruction set you are using, as well as the assembler, a valid set should be like this: (assembly, x86, gnu) Note that you should use the ".net-assembly" tag instead for .NET assembly languages, and for Java bytecode, use the tag java-bytecode-asm instead.

Assembly is a family of very low-level programming languages, just above machine code. In assembly, each statement corresponds to a single machine code instruction. These instructions are represented as mnemonics in the given assembly language and are converted into executable machine code by a utility program referred to as an assembler; the conversion process is referred to as assembly, or assembling the code.

Language design

Basic elements

There is a large degree of diversity in the way that assemblers categorize statements and in the nomenclature that they use. In particular, some describe anything other than a machine mnemonic or extended mnemonic as a pseudo-operation (pseudo-op). A typical assembly language consists of three types of instruction statements that are used to define program operations:

  • Opcode mnemonics
  • Data sections
  • Assembly directives

Opcode mnemonics and extended mnemonics

Instructions (statements) in assembly language are generally very simple, unlike those in high-level languages. Generally, a mnemonic is a symbolic name for a single executable machine language instruction (an opcode), and there is at least one opcode mnemonic defined for each machine language instruction. Each instruction typically consists of an operation or opcode plus zero or more operands. Most instructions refer to a single value, or a pair of values. Operands can be immediate (value coded in the instruction itself), registers specified in the instruction or implied, or the addresses of data located elsewhere in storage. This is determined by the underlying processor architecture: the assembler merely reflects how this architecture works. Extended mnemonics are often used to specify a combination of an opcode with a specific operand. For example, the System/360 assemblers use B as an extended mnemonic for BC with a mask of 15 and NOP for BC with a mask of 0.

Extended mnemonics are often used to support specialized uses of instructions, often for purposes not obvious from the instruction name. For example, many CPU's do not have an explicit NOP instruction, but do have instructions that can be used for the purpose. In 8086 CPUs the instruction xchg ax,ax is used for nop, with nop being a pseudo-opcode to encode the instruction xchg ax,ax. Some disassemblers recognize this and will decode the xchg ax,ax instruction as nop. Similarly, IBM assemblers for System/360 and System/370 use the extended mnemonics NOP and NOPR for BC and BCR with zero masks. For the SPARC architecture, these are known as synthetic instructions

Some assemblers also support simple built-in macro-instructions that generate two or more machine instructions. For instance, with some Z80 assemblers the instruction ld hl,bc is recognized to generate ld l,c followed by ld h,b. These are sometimes known as pseudo-opcodes.

Tag use

Use the tag for assembly language programming questions, on any processor. You should also use a tag for your processor or instruction set architecture (, , , , , etc). Consider a tag for your assembler as well (, , , et cetera).

If your question is about inline assembly in C or other programming languages, see . For questions about .NET assemblies, use instead and for .NET's Common Intermediate Language, use . For Java ASM, use the tag .


Beginner's resources

Assembly language tutorials, guides, and reference material

37939 questions
12 answers

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

I would like to know what the difference between these instructions is: MOV AX, [TABLE-ADDR] and LEA AX, [TABLE-ADDR]
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7 answers

How does this milw0rm heap spraying exploit work?

I usually do not have difficulty to read JavaScript code but for this one I can’t figure out the logic. The code is from an exploit that has been published 4 days ago. You can find it at milw0rm. Here is the code:
Patrick Desjardins
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4 answers

Why do x86-64 instructions on 32-bit registers zero the upper part of the full 64-bit register?

In the x86-64 Tour of Intel Manuals, I read Perhaps the most surprising fact is that an instruction such as MOV EAX, EBX automatically zeroes upper 32 bits of RAX register. The Intel documentation ( General-Purpose Registers in 64-Bit Mode…
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1 answer

What is the best way to set a register to zero in x86 assembly: xor, mov or and?

All the following instructions do the same thing: set %eax to zero. Which way is optimal (requiring fewest machine cycles)? xorl %eax, %eax mov $0, %eax andl $0, %eax
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14 answers

How can I see the assembly code for a C++ program?

How can I see the assembly code for a C++ program? What are the popular tools to do this?
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3 answers

What is the meaning of "non temporal" memory accesses in x86

This is a somewhat low-level question. In x86 assembly there are two SSE instructions: MOVDQA xmmi, m128 and MOVNTDQA xmmi, m128 The IA-32 Software Developer's Manual says that the NT in MOVNTDQA stands for Non-Temporal, and that otherwise…
Nathan Fellman
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3 answers

What does `dword ptr` mean?

Could someone explain what this means? (Intel Syntax, x86, Windows) and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0
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7 answers

What is the purpose of XORing a register with itself?

xor eax, eax will always set eax to zero, right? So, why does MSVC++ sometimes put it in my executable's code? Is it more efficient that mov eax, 0? 012B1002 in al,dx 012B1003 push ecx int i = 5; 012B1004 mov dword…
devoured elysium
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3 answers

Possible GCC bug when returning struct from a function

I believe I found a bug in GCC while implementing O'Neill's PCG PRNG. (Initial code on Godbolt's Compiler Explorer) After multiplying oldstate by MULTIPLIER, (result stored in rdi), GCC doesn't add that result to INCREMENT, movabs'ing INCREMENT to…
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5 answers

Purpose of ESI & EDI registers?

What is the actual purpose and use of the EDI & ESI registers in assembler? I know they are used for string operations for one thing. Can someone also give an example?
Tony The Lion
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15 answers

Quickly find whether a value is present in a C array?

I have an embedded application with a time-critical ISR that needs to iterate through an array of size 256 (preferably 1024, but 256 is the minimum) and check if a value matches the arrays contents. A bool will be set to true is this is the…
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10 answers

How to view the assembly behind the code using Visual C++?

I was reading another question pertaining the efficiency of two lines of code, and the OP said that he looked at the assembly behind the code and both lines were identical in assembly. Digression aside, how could I view the assembly code created…
4 answers

What are CFI directives in Gnu Assembler (GAS) used for?

There seem to be a .CFI directive after every line and also there are wide varities of these ex.,.cfi_startproc , .cfi_endproc etc.. more here. .file "temp.c" .text .globl main .type main, @function main: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc …
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8 answers

`testl` eax against eax?

I am trying to understand some assembly. The assembly as follows, I am interested in the testl line: 000319df 8b4508 movl 0x08(%ebp), %eax 000319e2 8b4004 movl 0x04(%eax), %eax 000319e5 85c0 testl %eax, %eax …
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20 answers

How can I build a small operating system on an old desktop computer?

This might be in vain, as I know writing an operating system is unbearably complicated (especially by oneself). I don't expect to build the next linux, or windows. I know it will be horrible, and buggy, and won't work, but that's fine. I want to…
Carson Myers
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