Questions tagged []

ASP.NET 4.x Implementation of OData Services that supports both v3-v4 of the OData Protocol. DO NOT use this tag for [] related questions! Use this tag if your question directly relates to the ASP.NET server-side implementation of OData services, but also include the version specific tag [odata-v3] or [odata-v4]. Only include the non-specific [odata] tag if the question has broader client-side implications.

The ASP.NET Web API OData package offers support for the OData protocol in ASP.NET Web API.

OData is a standard protocol for creating and consuming data. The purpose of OData is to provide a protocol that is based on Representational State Transfer (REST) for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. OData applies web technologies such as HTTP and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to provide unified convention based access to information from various programs. OData provides the following benefits:

  • It lets developers interact with data by using RESTful web services.
  • It provides a simple and uniform way to share data in a discoverable manner.
  • It enables broad integration across products.
  • It enables integration by using the HTTP protocol stack.

Two key defining features of OData over traditional RESTful APIs are the URL conventions that make it possible to compose queries that request only the specific fields and navigation links from resources that are needed on the client as well as the ability to partially update resources using the PATCH HTTP verb.

  • Together these features allow individual clients to reduce the data sent across the wire without needing changes in the API or data schema to support this.

ASP.NET Web API supports both Version 3 and Version 4 of the OData protocol.
Learn more about ASP.NET Web API OData on MSDN

The code from this package to implement this protocol makes heavy use of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) expressions to support deferred execution of client requests, in a sense the ODataLib translates a specific set of URL queries into LINQ queries.

While not required, the ASP.NET implementation has extensive support for using Entity-Framework to access the data layer, reducing the code necessary to expose EF data schemas as OData resources. For this reason Posts on SO related to this tag will often include EF references and concepts.

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131 questions
1 answer

WebApi OData per user security on property

I have some entities which have data that must only be accessible for some users. public class Foo { public virtual Bar { get; set; } ... } public class Bar { public string Secret { get; set; } ... } For example Bar.Secret must…
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2 answers

Applying Distinct to OData query

I want to get a list of distinct values from my OData endpoint. But distinct or group by isn't supported yet. My URI query looks something like this GET /odata/Products?$select=foo & $top=10 & $count=true & distinct=true My…
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1 answer

OData v4 Custom Function

I'm trying to create a custom function in an OData v4 Web API solution. I need to return a collection of "Orders" based on unique logic that can't be handled natively by OData. I cannot seem to figure out how to create this custom function without…
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2 answers

Get the OData catalog for Web API OData v4 in XML

I am trying to get a Web API OData V4 endpoint up and running. I got it going finally (after removing all the DateTime properties from my endpoint) and now the listing of the entities is in JSON. I love JSON, but I use LinqPad to test my endpoints. …
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3 answers

Difference between PageSize and MaxTop

What's the difference between [EnableQuery(PageSize=20)] and [EnableQuery(MaxTop=20)]? As far as I can tell they both set a max limit on the result. Calling GET odata/Products?$top=100 on either of them both give me only 20 results.
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3 answers

SingleResult not serializable in Web API when querying by key

Trying to find single record using primary key CourseID against odata web.api using this: var editedcourse = container.Courses.Where(c => c.CourseID == ID).SingleOrDefault(); This is error: The 'ObjectContent`1'…
0 answers web api: relative urls

I'm migrating from wcf data services to web api odata and I'm having problems using relative URLs. I'm trying to implement the functionality which is described in this article (adding relationships between entities):…
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2 answers

Set namespace on ODATA $metadata

I want to change the namespace of all entities exposed by my ODATA service. Right now they've got: Core.DomainModel.Entities.Database which is a bit long when consuming it. I've tried to set it via builder.Namespace = "MyModel"; but that had no…
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1 answer

Using Delta with complex objects

Can Delta be used with complex object graphs, rather than single objects? I have tried without success to use it and am wondering if I'm missing something or if the functionality simply is not supported. For example, here's a model: public class…
Mark Watts
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1 answer

POST to a related collection in WEB API 2 with OData 4

I want to have a route like: /Accounts(id)/Orders where I can execute a POST to create an order. I can't find a way to add this route using OData in WebApi. For GET there is a convention to follow to get related collections, but I am not able to…
2 answers

How do you build OData IEdmModel from Entity Framework model

The title says it all really. I've found several blogs with different ways (serializing the EF model to XML and then de-serializing again to the IEdmModel was one) but they're all based on old version of the OData package.
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1 answer

ASP.NET MVC Web API and passing oData query

I'm currently executing Web API with oData filter requests as follows: public IQueryable Get(ODataQueryOptions oDataQuery) { var query = new FindOrganizationsQuery(oDataQuery); var result…
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2 answers

How to prevent under-posting in ASP.NET Web API OData service?

I have created a very simple OData v4 controller. The controller basically contains Entity Framework-backed CRUD methods for the following Pet entity: public class Pet { public int Id { get; set; } [Required] public string Name { get;…
Sergey Kolodiy
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How can I update entity with its children? Patch method doesn't work

I must update my entity with its children list as shown here: public class Entity1 { int Id{get;set;} ObservableCollection ChildrenList {get;set;} string Name{get;set;} } public class Child1 { string Nome{get;set;} …
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1 answer

Cannot serialize navigation properties correctly while performing Web API Patch operation from Kendo Grid

I'm currently using Web API v2 with OData v3 linked up to a Kendo Grid. I'm having problems getting the grid to serialize a model correctly to the PatchEntityAsync method on the AsyncEntitySetController class. The Delta
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