Questions tagged []

118 questions
2 answers

ViewModel not storing values when Ajax.ActionLink calling controller

When I'm clicking ActionLink and setting ViewModel values in controller I can see changes when View being rendered. But same values comes as null into Controller when I'm clicking ActionLink second time. How do I store the value, so it comes into…
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jquery mvc modal button to access post action

I have this modal dialog popup where there's 2 buttons. One is a cancel, and the other is accept. I want the accept button to call a POST Action. $(document).ready(function () { $('.toscontainer').dialog({ autoOpen: true, …
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The error of can not find View in Ajax form

I ask a similar question here So I add Some OnComplete Functions and Id to Ajax Forms, And there is: This is My View: @foreach(var item in Model) { @{Html.RenderPartial("_PhoneRow", item);} } _PhoneRow: @model…
1 answer

Ajax.BeginForm with UpdateTarget Inside AjaxForm

Is this possible to use Ajax.Beginform with update target inside of ajax form. like this: using(Ajax.BeginForm("EditPhone", new { id = item.Id.Value }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "TRTarget"})) {
2 answers

ASP MVC 3 ajax with json model binding to complex class

I have got following class hierarchy in my ASP MVC 3 project. Some entry can have containers, and that containers can have some content inside. Container and content classes are abstract classes. I need to receive json request from browser, and…
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Ajax to assign src to Iframe Dynamically in MVC3

Hi i am basically new to Ajax and having a tough time writing it.. I want to assign src value to Iframe which is fetched from the database Table is HobbyMasters HobbyName HobbyUrl I write a function and fetch the url from the table now when i…
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To load an Iframe dynamically on click of a link in MVC3

Hi i am developing an application inMVc3 I have a model containing Hobbyname Hobbyurl I have drawn a table and in the first column i fetch all the hobbynames and display it as a link. Hobbyurl contains the url of a page associated with the…
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1 answer

Partial View not showing updated model values. Always shows existing values

Actually i tried to update the partial view content whenever i do search. So i use ajax call to achieve this. So, the values from the controller to partial view model is correct(new data), but its not binding to the view (shows existing data). Main…
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Changing partial views in the same view based on menu

I am creating a website of static pages in MVC5. I want to update the "content" div on the right side , based on the menu item clicked which is on the left side of the page without refreshing the whole page. I have used one partial view for the menu…
1 answer

Google Maps Api With MVC 4 PartialView Ajax Request

I have a partial view. This partial view returns by Ajax.actionlink request. Partial View contain a google map . But map not rendering couse scripts must run when document is ready. How to show google map in a partial view result ? Partial View…
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How to receive model object sent by ajax call in a controller in mvc

I sent an object to controllers action thorugh ajax , but I don't know how to recevie the object in controller. My ajax call is : $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '@Url.Action("Create","Home")', data: { ID:…
Hammad Shahid
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1 answer

How to update a view using Ajax in MVC3

I want to update my MVC3 view Using Ajax, My Code is here Here Please tell me how i'll add Ajax in my code to update a content of HTML table
Avinash Singh
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1 answer

AJAX not working on MVC Page

I am using MVC3 with Razor. I have one Action which want to load using AJAX. I am using jQuery UIblock plugin to show some wait image to user. The View corresponding to action is as shown below: @using…
Sanjay Sutar
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