Questions tagged []

ASP.NET Web server controls are objects on ASP.NET Web pages that run when the page is requested and that render markup to a browser. Many Web server controls resemble familiar HTML elements, such as buttons and text boxes. Other controls encompass complex behavior, such as a calendar controls, and controls that manage data connections.

172 questions
1 answer

ASP.Net CollapsiblePanelextender Control

Afternoon All, I am wonding if i can configure and use a collapsiblePanelextender in within a table. I would likt this to be used for a minutes of meeting system that i am creating. I have the following code and thought that if i added…
3 answers

How to hide a button in .net 2010?

I have a simple web for that has a dropdown list and a button on the form. The dropdown list is bound to a table in my database and holds three values with idents between 1 and 3 (Weekly, Monthly, Please Select). I have set my datasource to pull…
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1 answer

How to get TagName of Control if exists?

I have written this code: If (AlohaEnabled) Then Dim head As Control = Nothing For Each control In Master.Controls Dim field = control.GetType.GetField("TagName") If ((field IsNot Nothing) AndAlso…
Lajos Arpad
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3 answers

Button ClickEvent is not triggered

Afternoon All, I have two buttons on my web page that is used to lock and unlock a web page so that a user can lock the page and edit this without other users being able to access the record and then unlock this record so other users can edit this.…
Betty B
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1 answer

ASP.NET GridView: How to have Headers in the middle of the GridView?

I have a GridView and instead of putting all headers in one row, I want to divide the headers in two rows. The first group of headers will be in the first row and the second group of headers will be in the middle of the GridView after inserting all…
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1 answer

Select all images in the folder and save them in other folder

I have a folder on my local machine that contains .jpeg files. I want to select all of these images and save them in the other folder. That is all. I am using c# and ASP.NET Webforms. Is there an easy way of doing so? Thank you.
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1 answer

Adding ASP.NET User Controls at runtime via