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Chart controls enable you to create ASP.NET pages or Windows Forms applications with simple, intuitive, and visually compelling charts for complex statistical or financial analysis.

The ASP.NET Chart server control enables you to create ASP.NET pages that include charts for complex statistical or financial analysis. The Chart control supports the following features:

  • Data series, chart areas, axes, legends, labels, and titles.
  • Data binding.
  • Data manipulation, such as copying, splitting, merging, alignment, grouping, sorting, searching, and filtering.
  • Statistical formulas and financial formulas.
  • Advanced chart appearance, such as 3-D, anti-aliasing, lighting, and perspective.
  • Events and customizations.
  • Interactivity and Ajax.

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Community Forum

137 questions
3 answers

Microsoft Chart Control - Big Red X (bad) whenever I use financial formulas

I discovered Microsoft's .Net charting controls from another post here, and so far I love them. For anyone needing it, here is the link: I do everything during runtime, such as creating series and slapping them…
Bill Sambrone
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2 answers

Displaying ASP.NET Chart controls in ASP.NET MVC site with virtual path

I have a simple project that combines ASP.NET MVC with ASP.NET Charts control. Code is super simple and works IF I do not specify any "Virtual Path" when I run it in VS 2008. I followed Mike Ceranski post on his blog here:…
Johannes Setiabudi
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1 answer

Create a custom legend in tabular format - ASP.NET Chart

I am quite new to ASP.NET Charting and have a question about adding custom component to a bar chart. I am trying to create a custom legend in a tabular format. What I mean is my legend style is table. And I am creating each LegendItem from database…
1 answer

Is there an Excel Chart Object to System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting converter around?

Does anyone know if there is a tool that allows you to convert an Excel Chart object to an System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting object (aka ASP.NET Charts) e.g. in C# using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting; ... var xlChart…
James Summerton
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1 answer

Uneven (custom) intervals on chart

This is what I currently have: What I need, is to have the following uneven intervals (vertical lines & x-axis labels): 1) 1 (i.e. must not cross at 0) 2) 1.5 3) 2.5 4) 3.5 5) 4 Is there any way to do this? Even if it's a kludge with an extra…
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2 answers

ASP.Net Chart X Axis showing misleading date labels

I've got a straight forward column chart with 4 series on it, % on the Y and DateTime on the X axis. All is working fine except that the X axis labeling and interval marks are incorrect (well, misleading). The 1st cluster of columns are Januarys…
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1 answer

CRM 2011 Chart - How to Show All Values in Legend?

Using the default CRM 2011 Opportunities by Sales Stage Funnel Chart, how can you get it to show all of the stages in the legend even if there isn't data for each stage? This seems like a simple problem but I'm stumped. The Chart only presents data…
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0 answers

Column Chart spacing between column groups and or alignment of columns on x-axis

Unfortunately, I do not have enough reputation points to post images so here is a link to an example chart. Does anyone know how I can get the columns in this chart to align with the x-axis properly? Most of the columns on the chart are not even…
1 answer

MSChart / Charts don't show tooltips

I have a dashboard page in which I am using various MSCharts. I have a class defined for each one of these charts, in which I am defining Tooltips of the Series in that chart like below when I run through each chart class and define its Series…
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2 answers

Clickable barchart, where clicking on any bar would redirect to concern information page

I`m making student progress tracking system, where I need to show the progress chart on every subject. Here every bar represent the subject, while clicking on any bar(subject) would produce another chart that is showing the progress of that…
0 answers

Multiple Series Column Chart

This is my SQL query result I am trying to build column chart in C# web form by grouping rooms, as per hotel they belong to, like below chart Above query result is stored in DataTable dt. Below is rest of code List rooms = (from p in…
Rajan Gupta
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1 answer

Populating a chart inside a GridView in ASP.NET

I have a GridView control where I aneed to show some information regarding some important variable of mine. These variables vary in time and I would like to plot their trend in the table as the last column using a Chart control. Here's a generic…
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1 answer

ASP.NET Chart Control - Add Label to AxisY Crossing without removing automatic labels of major grid lines

I am using the ASP.NET Chart Control that Microsoft provides. I have a simple 2D chart with two series in it, one is positive and the other is negative. Here is what it looks like currently: I am guessing, because of my data range that the Y Axis…
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2 answers

Adding a vertical line to an Area Chart

First time working with ASP.NET charting and any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm trying to add a vertical line to an area chart like the following...
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1 answer

Find colour assigned to point in ASP.NET pie chart when using Palettes

I've got a basic ASP.NET Charting control set to a pie chart, using the "Bright Pastel" palette and I'd like to link the colours used in the chart to a gridview elsewhere on the page (which is effectively acting as a legend, but will have some more…
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