Questions tagged []

ASP.NET Boilerplate is a starting point for new modern web applications using best practices and most popular tools. It's aimed to be a solid model, a general-purpose application framework and a project template.


ASP.NET Boilerplate easily creates startup template for your project. It includes most used framework and libraries by default. Also allows you to choice Single-Page (Angularjs or Durandaljs) or Multi-Page architecture, EntityFramework or NHibernate as ORM.


ASP.NET Boilerplate implements NLayer architecture (Domain, Application, Infrastructure and Presentation Layers) and Domain Driven Design (Entities, Repositories, Domain/Application Services, DTO's...). Also implements and provides a good infrastructure to implement best practices such as Dependency Injection.


ASP.NET Boilerplate is an application framework built on latest ASP.NET MVC & Web API technologies. It makes easy to use dependency injection, logging, validation, exception handling, localization and so on. It makes these not only itself but also using most popular framework and libraries.

More information at

202 questions
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Extending AbpUserRoles to add new column - aspnetboilerplate

I'm trying to extend AbpUserRoles in order to add new column into it. I was able to do that as following: public class MyUserRole : Abp.Authorization.Users.UserRole { public int MyCustomColumn { get; set; } public MyUserRole() { } …
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1 answer

Overriding Clock.Now time in ABP

How do you override the DateTime value of Abp.Timing.Clock? The projects are all using NuGet packages. I can't change or edit NuGet and release my own personal nuget.dll because then the whole project will give "Error, missing assembly reference."…
1 answer

Second DB Context not usable in unit tests

After I managed to get multiple Database Context working in boilerplate (with some help here ASP.NET Boilerplate multiple databases and DbContexts), I ran into another problem. In the unit tests, when I use one of the additional database…
Bertus van Zyl
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Asp.Net Boilerplate InsertAsync method not work and return negative id

I want to know which cases entity failed to add and return negative id?
Hanaa Gebril
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1 answer

Real-time notification upon registration using SignalR

I want to send real-time notification in ASP.NET Boilerplate. Notification is saving successfully in Abp.NotificationSubscription table on subscription. When I publish the notification, the notification got saved in the Abp.Notification table but it…
4 answers

Incorrect string value: '\xD8\xA7\xD9\x84\xD8\xB9...' for column 'DisplayName' at row 1

I'm getting the below exception when running server-side code. FATAL 2018-04-25 14:41:59,757 [1 ] Abp.AbpBootstrapper - Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner…
vivek nuna
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1 answer

How to list tenant users with specific role from the host?

I'm working on a project that is built with ASP.NET Boilerplate. The template that I use is .NET Core with Angular, including Module Zero. Multi-tenancy is enabled. The task that I am currently working on is to allow administrators of the host to…
1 answer

Disable localization in favor of just English language as default.

I do not want localization support in ASP.NET Boilerplate, please let me know how can I disable it (if possible).
1 answer

Asp.Net Boilerplate Startup Template - Culture Issue

I've downloaded a startup template for ASP.NET Boilerplate. Having successfully followed the instructions to create and seed the database. When I come to run the application, I'm presented with the following error: Server Error in '/'…
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1 answer

ASP .NET Boilerplate - registering Assembly

I am doing an application on ASP .NET Boilerplate Framework with AngularJS and Entity Framework. For so long i was going with this tutorial…
2 answers

Entity Framework 1-to-1 relationship with ASP.NET Boilerplate

How to set 1:1 relationship with the below-mentioned models when we use ASP.NET Boilerplate? Thanks in advance. Note 1: I have seen this nice answer about the EF 1-to-1 relationship. But unfortunately, I don't know how to set it with ASP.NET…
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1 answer

Getting new DbContext when unit testing with Asp.Net Boilerplate

I'm working on a project built on Asp.Net Boilerplate, and now I have to unit test the services using the real repositories with a real database connection (no mocking). I've been using the last post of BringerOd in…
1 answer

Asp.Net Boilerplate Entity notifications

I have Notifications working in a .NET Core web application. However I'm trying to understand the Entity Notification operation. As I read the documentation and tried few coding some scenarios it doesn't seem to be working as I thought it might. My…
0 answers

Default localization XML file in different Culture

We are currently using ASP.NET ZERO (ABP). Throughout the course of implementation the XML files with LocalizedTexts got bigger and bigger. To manage LocalizedTexts we are using a build-in manager: We use XML (file.xml) file with culture "en" and…
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1 answer

Masstransit unti tests problem and ISendEndpointProvider within DI

I want to unit test services which uses Masstransit(rmq) to send messages. According to the doc, there is InMemoryTestHarness class for this. But I can't figure out how can I use it in my scenario. I use AbpBoilerplate framework, so first of all I…
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