Questions tagged [artifacts]

mostly used in terms of computer graphics artifacts are unwanted bugs in rendered output

in terms of computer graphics artifacts are unwanted bugs in rendering output

  • usually caused by rounding errors of float values
  • or by overflows/underflows of integer values

Most usual are:

  • invalid pixel color for some pixels
  • choppyness (pixelation) of image (like very low quality JPG)
  • holes in geometry (related to Z-Buffer accuracy)

Artifacts are not bound to graphics only

  • for example high order polynomial computations can also have artifacts inside
  • causing invalid results while using them if precision is too low
446 questions
2 answers

Artifacts on CSS rendering box-shadow on Safari 6.0.2 on mountain lion

I'm having some artifacts on Safari 6.0.2 on Mountain Lion on my Macbook Pro, using any other browser everything render as it is supposed to be. But curiously using Safari on my iMac with OSX Lion I can't reproduce the issue. Different OS version,…
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Team City templates and Artifacts

I recently noticed I needed to reuse a build step in many projects. So I created a template where I only defined that build step, and had the projects that needed it associated with that template. That worked perfectly. But then I realized that none…
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NSTextView not refreshed properly on scrolling

I have a NSTextView with a sizeable quantity of text. Whenever I scroll however, the view isn't updated properly. There are some artifacts that remain at the top or the bottom of the view. It appears that the view doesn't refresh itself often…
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1 answer

How do I get jenkins to build every revision of a subversion repository

We are using jenkins for continuous integration using a standard poll every 10 minute scheme, and it work fine. Now I want to set up a job that is run on every revision in the repro, it will be generating something that is more or less a binary…
Mr Shark
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1 answer

Share files between azure pipeline Jobs

In the documentation of the Azure pipelines, I read that: Each agent can run only one job at a time. To run multiple jobs in parallel you must configure multiple agents. When you run a pipeline on a self-hosted agent, by default, none of the…
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4 answers

Binning continuous values with round() creates artifacts

In Python, suppose that I have continuous variables x and y, whose values are bounded between 0 and 1 (to make it easier). My assumption has always been that if I want to convert those variables into ordinal values with bins going like…
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4 answers

How to archive the content of a folder recursively as artifacts on Jenkins?

My jenkins job creates a temporary subfolder, say "mydir", within the workspace that I then want to archive using the postbuild step "Archive artifacts". I'm using the following command: mydir/**/* It works well but the archive will always contains…
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4 answers

Media Foundation webcam video H264 encode/decode produces artifacts when played back

I have a solution, where I encode video (YUY2) samples from a webcam with Media Foundation's h264 encoder. Then I send it via TCP connection to another application that decodes the stream with Media Foundation's h264 decoder back to YUY2 format.…
2 answers

Jenkins matrix configuration artifacts

I'm currently experimenting with a matrixed projected in jenkins. It is working well but I'm curious how to get the artifacts to show up on the main page under a Last Successful Artifacts link. Currently it looks like the artifacts are built in the…
Jeff Storey
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2 answers

Jenkins Build fails when artifacts are not there

I use Jenkins to run some integration tests on a web appilcation (using cucumber, capybara and selenium) Everytime a test fails, a screenshot, the HTML source and a video of the process is saved. the path structure looks like…
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1 answer

Parallel development branches, Build Artifact repositories and QA releases

How does parallel development / branching in your VCS effect your build artifact repository setup and releases to QA? At our company we branch our VCS for parallel development efforts and we often do not have much of a warning of which branch will…
1 answer

intelliJ IDEA add resources to JAR

I got an application which is working with resources (.wav .png- files). I want to include those resources in my .jar, when I build my project. Running the application from the IDE works well. As described here, I created the resources-folder at the…
Moritz Schmidt
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4 answers

Error when reading core config file: Unsupported Config Type

I am trying to pass in the channel configuration transaction artifact to the order-er using the command: peer channel create -o -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f ./channel-artifacts/channel.tx --tls --cafile…
0 answers

Is GDI+ dash pattern bugged?

I'm using Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7 to create a C++ graphical application in which I'm trying to animate a circular progress using GDI+ and some dash pattern properties. The idea is very simple: by configuring a pattern where the dash is long…
Jean-Milost Reymond
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1 answer

Deleting artifacts in artifactory

I want to delete artifacts in artifactory.I googled and found this link Here the Delete build,using REST API,is what we are going for at the moment.Can any one give me a general idea…
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