Questions tagged [ar.js]

AR.js is an open source framework for three.js, and a-frame, enabling the creation of augmented reality apps / websites.

AR.js is an open-source lightweight Augmented Reality framework, coming with features like Image Tracking, Marker Tracking and Location based AR, and enabling the creation of apps and websites. It works great with its satellites three.js and

For anything related to AR.js - Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web.

271 questions
1 answer

Touch on ar Object in Ar.js

I have a question concerning touch detection on ar objects. I use A-Frame with Ar.js In my Project, I have a globe which can be rotated. Now I wanna add country-specific "markers", which should also be objects. I tried:…
0 answers

How do I get multiple .gltf models to work in three.js webxr_ar_hittest example?

I'm using this example from three.js and the example works very well but when I change the cylinder to a model it just lets me put one model instead of letting me put several models in the place…
0 answers

How to get marker position in pixel of image AR.JS?

I want to integrate hand tracking to identify if a person clicked (like the mouse click event) on a marker or object. Maybe I just do not get the right way or workaround but I really want to get marker position in pixel. marker.position()
Victor Lam
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In A-Frame Ar.Js When We Load A Video on A Pattern, I Want Some Progress Bar Buffering (Like Youtube Video Navigator Controls) Controls

Here's my code GLITCH . My code Works Fine . When I Show The HIRO Pattern The Video Plays When The Marker Is Not Visible It Pause . I Have 3 Queries : When I Augment then a black screen occurs on the pattern for few seconds. After Few seconds the…
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Is there any way to make the background of a 3D-model transparent in a-scene in ionic?

My problem is to how make the white background of a-frame transparent that we just can see whatever we see from the iPhone camera plus the 3D-model. I have been trying to make AR (Augmented Reality) working in Ionic iOS version. I realised that…
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1 answer

AR.JS custom marker

I'm trying to use a custom marker for AR.JS. However after following the directions to create a custom marker and then change the marker presets, it still doesn't work. Any ideas on how to properly implement?
Peter Lum
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2 answers

Scan QR code with AR.js and display objects based on scanned value

In my web application, want to implement Augmented Reality with QR code scanned value. After QR code is scanned get data from the server based on QR code value and show image or objects based on the response. I have gone through A-Frame blog able to…
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2 answers

How to create custom marker in Ar.js?

I Was wondering how things work in Ar.js , But i was stuck with creating custom Markers and custom shapes , is there any way to customize things. this is What i have got things to getting started.
Gopinath Kaliappan
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Uncaught ExitStatus with AR.js on server

I'm using and three.js for an AR project, in local everything works fine but when I deploy on server (, I got this error after accepting camera : Uncaught ExitStatus ar.js:19 message: "Program…
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0 answers

How Can I use AR.js in Ionic Framework?

I am able to use the code on chrome browser but the code does not seem to work on Ionic. Or is their any other open source AR technology that I can use for Ionic. EzarTech isn't powerful enough for my…
Omkar Frozen
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1 answer

How to use THREE.js (and THREEx and AR.js) CDN in my react component?

I thought react is less pain than Angular for such projects, and you could still mix "plain" javascript into your project. So I have in my react project in index.html this script tags: I try to integrate this example of AR.js into my react…
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AR.JS Web Desktop Performance Low Frame-rate

Currently working on an augmented reality experience using ar.js. Mobile browsers are getting 60FPS consistently. Desktop browsers are getting 20-30FPS. Anyone have any experience or solutions with this issue?
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How to put a model between two pictures or two layers

So I'm kinda new to web-AR and I'm practicing to make something like Roomvo's rug demo. ( I'm using three.js for this and I have the model and transform controls ready. All I need to do is to kinda put this…
1 answer

Disable the drag on screen in a-frame AR.js

I am trying to disable the drag feature of A-frame so that if a object is in front of your screen the user can't just drag on the screen and remove it from your front to other place without even moving. Here is what i have tried with the camera, but…
abhishek ranjan
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1 answer

AR.js Multi-camera smartphones selecting the regular lens

In AR.JS demo, Android phones that have multiple rear cameras tend to use the wrong lens, such as a telescopic lens. For example, Huawei mate 20 pro uses the 3x lens. How do I select the right camera to use?
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