Questions tagged [appicon]

89 questions
2 answers

android application icon is white circle

I have made some icon for my app and I have tested it on some old Samsung galaxy phone and it showed the icon is a nice square shape. For some reason, on a newer phone + on the Emulator it shows a white circle as follows: My manifest file looks as…
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setAlternateIconName in IOS 13

setAlternateIconName method does not change the icon in IOS 13. It changes the app icon but suddenly changes back to the default one. But same method works in IOS 11 and 12 without any issues.
1 answer

Why isn't my app icon showing up in the emulator or on a device?

In Android Studio, my app icon is not showing up on the home screen of my emulator or on a device. I've scoured stackoverflow for solutions and have tried everything I found: I created the Image Asset and the ic_launcher files are in all the mipmap…
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iOS- UIAlert is only showing "OK" after changing the app icon to an alternate one

I have a place where I am changing the app icon for my app. I can get it so that the app icon actually changes, however, the alert that is supposed to pop only shows "OK". There is no text or picture to indicate that the icon changed. just okay…
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need to apply dynamic app icon from web in iOS

We need to set up an alternative app icon form API, From API we get an image with user initials. We already set up one alternative app icon code on the iOS side with static icon. Now the plan is load image from the web and replaces the static…
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How to set badge on app icon programmatically?

I'm trying to set up the badge on app icon if there are some pending notifications. Which works well with the following code in Android Pie.…
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How to modify iOS App Icon with fastlane action?

I use the Fastlane action to upload the app to TestFlight, and I want to modify the app icon. In Xcode, this "Asset Catalog App Icon Set Name" option in the Build Settings of Targets can modify the app icon, but I can't find the action of Fastlane…
White wu
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ic_launcher.xml not being used as app icon

I'm developing an Android app. I'm trying to use ic_launcher.xml and ic_launcher_round.xml as app icons as I think that is the proper way? Anyway, I have one png image, 108x108px, 32bit color. I use it in both ic_launcher and ic_launcher_round…
Invader Zim
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How to get appicon programmatically from sdcard/storage .apk file?

Using ApplicationInfo i'm already tried and it works well but it is shows only installed app's appicon. but i want to get appicon from file path(.apk file) programmatically. Drawable icon=applicationInfo.loadIcon(getPackageManager()); I want to get…
2 answers

App icon showing only on emulator

I have placed my app's icon.png image in the respective mipmap folders in my project but when i or any of my testers install the app on a physical device, the icon is replaced by android studio's default icon. However, it works fine on emulators.I…
1 answer

App icon missing for iPhone 7 and 8

App icon image is missing for iPhone 7 and 8. For rest of the devices app icon is shown. I have tried various solution available but I am not able to find any result for this bug. Please check the following screen shots for OPG.
Nupur Gupta
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ERROR: Can't find /Users/ios/AppIcon.appiconset/icon57.png

ERROR: Can't find /Users//ios/AppIcon.appiconset/icon57.png Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1 I am using xCode 9.2. I don't know suddenly what happened but I am getting this error…
Mihir Oza
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AppIcon overlay is not working in Xcode 9.2

Recently I was searching something great for my app, and I found that I can add an overlay to AppIcon for different Configuration of the project. But it is not working in Xcode 9.2 with iOS 11.2.2. Here is what Tested. Using Amaro I can get an…
Mrugesh Tank
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How many icons does CFBundleAlternateIcons support in Info.plist?

Such as the title. Who can tell me how many icons does CFBundleAlternateIcons support in Info.plist? Thank you very much!
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Programmatically access the App's icon on iOS

I want to send a Tweet from my App and for the actual tweet I want to include the App's icon. Is there a quick way to access the icon. Otherwise I have add and duplicate the icon to my Resources folder in Xcode.
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