Questions tagged [app-inventor]

App Inventor is a graphical programming environment for making Android apps, originally developed by Google and now run by MIT as an open source project. The programming is done in a graphical way with blocks like jigsaw pieces similar to scratch or snap.

What is App Inventor?

App Inventor is a graphical programming environment for making Android apps. It creates Google Play-ready APK files (not Java code) directly.

History of App Inventor

App Inventor was developed and originally hosted by Google and was released in 2012 as an open source project, led by the MIT Center for Mobile Learning.

In December 2013 the new App Inventor 2 was rolled out, which now runs completely in the browser. The previous version now is called App Inventor Classic and has been shut down in July 2015. You can convert your App Inventor Classic projects (zip files) into App Inventor 2 projects (aia files) by using the conversion tool.

Helpful Links

App Inventor

App Inventor Sources

App Inventor is open source and the source can be found here.

654 questions
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Convert a string to a component object in MIT App Inventor

I am building an app in MIT App Inventor. I have several textboxes. If I click on a textbox, the colorpicker screen opens and the user can choose a color. Like here: The variable "component" (recognition of the clicked textbox) is parsed to the…
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List changing value from boolean "true" to "3"

So i'm using AppInventor 2, when i load my screen i have passed a list in from a previous screen as the start value for the current screen Here we can see that the list is set as (true, true, 1,0,0,0) which is what it's supposed to be but when i…
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bluetooth low energy slow reaction time

I am currently trying to use an Adafruit Feather 32u4 to control a 2 motors (a small remote control car) with an android app. Here's what I am using: MitAppInventor 2 for the app, obviously the Arduino IDE for the car. App Inventor doesn't have a…
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How do I use Web Component of MIT App Inventor in Android Studio?

I have made an Application in MIT App Inventor for sending GET request for connecting to WiFi Module [ ESP8266 ]. There is a button which when clicked sets the Web URL to ESP8266's IP address, for example Then a function…
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App Inventor TinyDB has no unique key constraint?

I wanted to develop a simple Android app that requires a small database. I've developed a prototype with App Inventor and TinyDB, but it seems that TinyDB allows to add several records to the database with the same "tag" (this is how keys are named…
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AppInventor Trouble! (JSON-Indexing)

So what i partially achieved was to set an app that gets JSON text from a weather website of this form: { "base": "stations", "clouds": { "all": 20 }, "cod": 200, "coord": { "lat": 40.94, "lon": 24.41 }, "dt": 1513711200, "id":…
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0 answers

How to Upload Video to Rails Server from App Inventor

My goal is essentially to upload a video file, like this, but with Ruby on Rails instead of PHP. I can successfully send JSON data to my server, but haven't been able to get file uploads working. The end objective is to have the file be in the…
2 answers

Samsung Galaxy 5 Driver for App Inventor

Will App Inventor work with Samsung Galaxy 5? Or do I need other drivers for it? I already have the App Inventor Setup.
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How to Import or add App Inventor 2 ".keystore" file to Android Studio

I was previously using App Inventor 2 to create android apps but recently I migrated to Android Studio, but I have uploaded an app created from App Inventor 2 to Google Play Store which has over 1k downloads. Now I'm trying to recreate that app…
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How can I check a radio button with no id using a single line of javascript (no jQuery)?

All right, this is a pretty specific question from a beginner, so bear with me. I'm a newbie just learning the ropes. Here's the background (skip to next para if you don't care): I'm updating my first android app and I'm using MIT App Inventor 2 to…
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app inventor 2 send data to php myadmin using php script

I am doing an assignment to send data to php myadmin database from MIT app inventor 2 through php script. I am using this code I found from youtube in MIT app inventor 2 to send customer info and also this php script. However when the button is…
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3 answers

App Inventor - Mathematical Formula

I'm having some issues using the following formula in App Inventor: (d + m + y + (y / 4) + c)modulo 7 I would like to ask if anyone knows how I would layout such a formula using the blocks in App Inventor? This is what I've tried:
J. Doe
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App Inventor 2 Bluetooth headset buttons

OK problems 1 I am using a Bluetooth headset that has 3 buttons. I am trying to get the button on the headset to run as if I click a button in my app. problem 2 I am using google voice recognizer, but when it runs it uses the mic from the phone not…
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Turn on the flash on an android phone using App Inventor 2

I am getting to know how to build android apps by starting using App Inventor 2, as a start. I would like to turn on the flash on an android phone (I dont want the camera display, just flash). I found out how to do this by code, however, in App…
Sarah cartenz
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MIT AppInventor: How to handle a large list?

I'm currently working on a MAC Address Lookup Module. I want it to be offline. I have a large amount of text (OUI Database, each item in a new line) and I want to perform a search in it. However, I can't find a way to import it into a…
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