Questions tagged [api-authorization]

70 questions
1 answer

Using Laravel Passport to only access own account on a few Routes

My whole application has a lot of api routes that serve my frontend with ajax responses. I use Laravel Passport xsrf token protection to protect my routes and manage authentication. However, we are planning to serve an api that a specific type of…
Patrick Schocke
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Post request for login API with jersey client

I'm trying to run the below code to access the REST API, this REST API is secured with hawk authentication. What i want to achieve here is with this POST request the server will return the AppTicket, this AppTicket will be used in subsequent API…
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HMAC API authentication issues in Python

I'm attempting to pull JSON data from an API and struggling to nail down the source of my problems. Currently I get accurate data if message = "" but so far any non-empty query parameters return a 403 error. The API documentation asks for parameters…
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How to automate Rest API which require authentication using Rest assured

I want to test a Rest API which require authentication, before getting the Json response. FOr exa. If i want to visit rest API: then if I am not already logged in , then this will redirect me to Login HTML page, and after login, this will show me…
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Authenticate API calls made from background service on Android with API Guard

Background We have a background IntentService that runs whether the associated app is open or closed. (the onStartCommand returns Service.START_STICKY). API Guard is being used to authenticate any API calls being made. Problem API calls being made…
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How to Grant Angular Authorization to my REST API Calls for Mobile App

I have a C# Azure Web API backend where data is retrieved from a front-end Ionic Mobile App (which is basically an Angular App) The authorization of users is done via Ionic's cloud service, so they handle the heavy lifting of registering users via…
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How to use Google Identity Toolkit to connect to Google Drive API?

I want to use Google Identity Toolkit to sign up and authenticate my users. In another part of my app, I want to use the Google Drive API to allow users to choose media files to link with their profile. Will setting up GITKit make it easier to use…
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SOA: Rails user authentication and api authorization with multiple clients

How do we allow a second client to authenticate users and access our api authorized backend? Please correct any part of my understanding that is incorrect. User authentication is register / login / logout portion of your app. App authorization for…
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Supporting permissions in Laravel Passport and its substitutions

Does Laravel Passport support having permissions on routes, methods, and a number of requests? e.g., the user can only send GET request, or the user can only send 50 requests for the special route, or the user only has access to special routes. If…
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Custom Authorize attribute role is not working web api authentication

I'm facing an issue while working with web api azure ad authentication I'm having controller like below, the one which having giving proper response, But the one which having customauthorization roles throwing error as "Authentication has been for…
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