Questions tagged [apache-servicemix]

Questions relating to the Apache Foundation's ServiceMix integration platform.

ServiceMix is an Apache foundation sponsored project, with commercial support provided by FuseSource

Apache ServiceMix is a flexible, open-source integration container that unifies the features and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, Karaf into a powerful runtime platform you can use to build your own integrations solutions. It provides an enterprise ready ESB exclusively powered by OSGi.

651 questions
1 answer

java.lang.NullPointerException at while running over a karaf

Getting below exception while running sample application in karaf. have placed the maven build jar inside servicemix/deploy. Please help as i am new to camel,mybatis and servicemix org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException:…
1 answer

ServiceMix 4.4.2 proxing FTP via Rest, can't read file from ftp

I'm dealing with a problem how to read a file with Camel in SMX 4.4.2 but only in case when the read operation cannot be performed in Camel route from. I need to read data from the file transform it into XML and then return it to the requestor (the…
Wojtek Rudziński
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2 answers

How to Read Mails using Java or using any third party tools like ServiceMix

I want to read mails from mail server. My mail server can be any server. but when I study for this topic I found reading mail from gmail is easier option and Now i want to read mail from gmail. My basic requirement is to skip the the HTML/TEXT mail…
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1 answer

How can my Workflow's performance be upgraded by Implementing ESB

We are trying to move our complete workflow to ESB. Here ,all the Operations We are performing in our project! 1.Get an input file from a sftp server. 2.then copy that file to the app server(another server) where java is installed.. 3.from there we…
1 answer

Running Kafka consumer inside Apache ServiceMix

I am trying to create a bundle using camel-kafka, and run it inside servicemix. The module is a very basic kafka consumer which uses camel-kafka connector, and consumes messages from a kafka topic. I am able to successfully run the module using…
Sumit Chawla
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1 answer

JAX-RS in ServiceMix / Fuse ESB

I got the below error when I try to install a CXF example from Talend into FuseESB. FuseESB:karaf@root> features:install talend-cxf-example-jaxrs-intro Error executing command: Can not resolve feature: Unsatisfied…
Lee Chee Kiam
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