Questions tagged [antivirus]

Antivirus or anti-virus software is software used to prevent, detect and remove malware.

Antivirus or anti-virus software is software used to prevent, detect and remove malware (of all descriptions), such as:
Computer viruses, adware, backdoors, malicious BHOs, dialers, fraudtools, hijackers, keyloggers, malicious LSPs, rootkits, spyware, trojan horses and worms.

Computer security, including protection from social engineering techniques, is commonly offered in products and services of antivirus software companies.

This tag should be used for programming questions related to softwares used for the prevention and removal of malware threats, rather than computer security implemented by software methods.

See also:

627 questions
1 answer

How to scan files/images for antivirus in c# before uploading the images in azure

I am using .net framework 4.5.1, I want to scan files for virus with in app service only. It is web app project, I want to do it without web/worker role
2 answers

How do I prevent AVG from pausing my goLang execution?

Disclaimer: Isn't necessarily a programming question, more like a how to use avg whilst programming question... So I don't just want to turn my antivirus off, but I don't want to have to click abort every time I run something. Quick aside I just got…
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Phishing of FB page on localhost

I made a phishing website for fb(localhost). I use php to store the data on a notepad .attack is successfully done.But the thing is I need to implement prevention of this attack. Hence I tried to detect it via quick heal antivirus total Security (…
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automation of Antivirus update in window machines on distributes systems

I have a requirement of automation of Antivirus update in window machines on distributes systems , McAfee dat file updation on all windows7 machines . currently we are manually running dat file into all the Windows machines. We are looking for…
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1 answer

Check all downloaded files c#

I am trying to create " a little antivirus" but i'm having trouble to understand how does the antivirus know what recent downloads are , for example avast starts analyzing an exe less than one second after i finish downloading it. but how does it…
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How to delete files (Kill) VB

i'm creating a anti-virus and I'm having a little trouble deleting the viruses. Here is my code: If threatsLb.Items.Count > 0 Then threatsLb.Enabled = True Dim KillFile As String KillFile = threatsLb.SelectedItem If…
1 answer

Antivirus content Scanning in a J2EE application

Please suggest the possible approaches in implementing antivirus scanning for files being uploaded into a Java/J2EE based Web-Application. Regards, kk
kk nair
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Program when compiled with /MT antivirus capture it as virus

I created a program in c++ when i build it using VS C++ 2012 using release mode with Runtime Library: "MultiThreaded(/MT) Then its captured by avast antivirus as virus. But if i change Runtime Library to "MultiThreaded DLL(/MD)" then avast don't…
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1 answer

Can we access dangling pointer /access other process memory similar to anti-virus? Would memory leak be possible for such inter-process access?

I was always under the impression that trying to access a dynamically freed (first allocated and later deleted/freed) memory would end up with a coredump. However when I executed the below code it went through successfully. int* ptr = new…
Kishore Bandi
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1 answer

Anti - virus : How an antivirus checks a file infected by virus?

I searched for working of an anti virus? but could not got satisfactory answer .. except that 1) it goes through dictionary based approach in which any suspicious code matched with some entry in database is reported for an action to the use or 2)…
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Antivirus slows down tomcat based application

I have java based application embedded with tomcat 8. When antivirus is turned on my app is very slow assuming that is slowed down by the antivirus scanning the tomcat files. I don't have permission to configure the antivirus. Sorry for the unclear…
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Drop in traffic due to HTTPS security

Ours is a educational website which is HTTPS secured. We are loosing our desktop traffic because we get error like untrusted certificate on public domain networks and also some of the antiviruses block our website as well. There is…
Rahul Rajput
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SetWindowsHookEx - antivirus issue

The task I have to do is to disable windows docking from keyboard shortcut (VK_RWIN or VK_LWIN + arrow) in a single application. To do this, I've decided to compelately block VK_RWIN and VK_LWIN virtual buttons in this app. I've used…
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Automatically creating AV exceptions

I've written a program that, when updates are available, will download an EXE file. Different antivirus programs on the end-users computers are obviously going to react to this download differently - for instance, Avast will just kill the download…
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Aho-Corasick Algo in c/c++ for hex

my problem - i am trying to use aho-corasick algo that i found for c++ while searching net, it currently only search for char based string, i want it to modify it to search for hex based string of varied character. any help to improve the code is…
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