Questions tagged [annotate]

Use this tag for questions related to annotating plots, e.g. adding descriptive labels or annotations to data points.

398 questions
1 answer

how to get sum of every objects by queryset (object by object )

i have no expernce with 'aggregation' and 'annotate' and talk with exemple better i have this object : mediasec = MediaSec.objects.filter(date__range=[primary1, primary2], degraycomany__in=degraycompsec) if i print it after convert it to list and…
Salim Fh
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How to add letters in my ggplot2 using annotate() when the x-axis is in the format `%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`?

I have the next plot: The code for getting it is this: Plot<- ggplot(foo,aes(x=Time, y=value, colour=Axis)) + geom_line(size=1) + theme_bw() + labs(x=expression(Time~(HMS)),y=expression(Raw~acceleration~(g))) + …
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Annotate data value at the end of line matplotlib

I am trying to add data value to the end of the line of matplotlib. This is my code: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) anz_df.plot(legend=True, ax=ax, figsize= (16,8)) ax.set_title("Number of confirmed cases between Australian' States vs New…
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How remove data points from text annotate?

The following script generates a scatter plot with annotated data points. I'd like remove circle markers from the plot and just show the labels. fig, ax = Plot.subplots() ax.scatter(Y0_mean, Y1_mean) for i, txt in…
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ggplot annotate label error with paste unexpected symbol

I've searched this topic and tried a bunch of different things but still can't get my labels annotated in the right way. On my label I want to show "R^2 = 0.81, p-value = 0.04, n = 50". So far I've tried: df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10), y =…
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How to create a user created textbox on top of matplotlib figure?

BackGround I'm making this software right plot data as boxplots and scatter plots. To make the graph more informative and clear I wanted the user to be able to drag-create a textbox on top of the figure if they wanted to add notes. This way when…
Markus T.
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How to add a text annotations to a time series ggplot

I know about annotate() and that you need to add the x and y coordinates. The problem is my x is class ""POSIXct" "POSIXt." So when I try to use annotate, R responds, object needs to be POSIXct. I have tried various combinations trying to fix this…
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1 answer

Annotate - Image document - C#

I have the following requirement Need to provide Annotate toolbar while viewing images documents ( TIFF, PDF...) to user User can update, erase text and add comment in image document and save the document. I am looking for a free SDK to do this…
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