Questions tagged [angular-meteor]

Framework to Build Realtime Web and Mobile Apps

A framework to Build Realtime Web and Mobile Apps With AngularJS and Meteor.

495 questions
2 answers

how to properly configure angular-meteor to have the content show up on the page

starting to build angular-meteor app added urigo:angular-meteor added urigo:angular-ui-router created routes: angular.module("app").config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$stateProvider', '$locationProvider', function($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider,…
Eugene Goldberg
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is it possible to use getReactively on $rootScope variables?

I have a case that I want to update the ui based on the user so if a user was log-out and log-in as different user, a score of the user in the ui is changed. The way I thought about doing it is by looking at $rootScope.currentUser. from my testing…
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Meteor.publish() - how to get documents by free text

I trying to get documents by free text. This part, that getting data by field works OK and returns data: Meteor.publish("messages", function(){ return Messages.find({ discussion_id: "discus_id_87" }); }); This one doesn't…
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How to filter subscribed data Angular-Meteor way

Let say we need to show filtered tasks on view, first step we got all the list of tasks buy publishing/subscribing: Publish: Meteor.publish("tasks", function(options){ return Tasks.find(options); }); Subscribe: var allTasks =…
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Output is concatenated

New click on [Filter] does not clear previous output but adding to exists. For example, if filtered by "banned" I see the banned users list, next filter by "registered" does not remove the "banned" but adding the "registered" to the end of the…
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Handling big data with angular-meteor and handsontable

So, here's the situation: I am creating a web app in angular-meteor ( which is a project that allows to create meteor apps in angular ). The app is a little bit like a database app. So first I have collections: { _id: '12jbhb1', name: 'users' }…
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How do I get a favicon to show?

I'm going through the tutorial on the What I am asking about is just for a fullstack angular-meteor web page and not for your standard static html page. How do I get a favicon to show instead of the default page favicon? Where do…
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Custom filtering in range in meteor with angularjs

I have a big problem with filtering by range. I need to filter products by price. Sorry for the mess HTML:
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accounts-entry for Angular in Meteor

accounts-entry package works well when using Blaze and Meteor for having an alternative interface to the dropdown boxes for the login/signup forms. How can we achieve the same style of using pages instead of dropdown boxes when using Angular with…
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Meteor angular-meteor package

I wasn't able to use blaze and angularjs templates from within the same package, I had to disable one of them in order to not get and and get an output . How can I achieve that?
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Is there any way in which we can use node.js Api in Meteor?

As I am an early bird to Meteor.js .So, I want to ask that can I use node API in my Meteor.js project. I got stuck in my project and didn't find anything related to this topic and I have already spent too much time for this topic. So is there any…
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Installed Meteor 1.4 not working, 1.3 was working perfectly

I installed the latest version of meteor from the installer on the site. I am running Windows 10. Meteor was working perfectly for me and I had developed a number of sites. However, I updated and now I can't run meteor anywhere. It gives me the…
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Can't find a datepicker that plays nicely with angular-meteor

I've tried to add a bunch of different datepicker libraries to my project: Meteor 1.7 Angular 6 Bootstrap 4 For most of the packages that are intended for Angular I get an error during import on startup. The error normally looks similar. Here is…
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Is there any way of making JHipster and meteor work together?

We have a Monolithic application generated with Jhipster. We use gradle as build system. Now there is a requirement of implementing a real time data update in it. Meteor is a good open source option but stuck with configuration as I can not…
1 answer

How to upload file in angular 2 with meteor

How to upload file in angular 2 with meteor . please help me ! . thanks for watching
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