Questions tagged [android-webview]

Part of the Android API. A View that displays web pages. This class is the basis upon which you can roll your own web browser or simply display some online content within your Activity.

A View that displays web pages. This class is the basis upon which you can roll your own web browser or simply display some online content within your Activity. It uses the WebKit rendering engine to display web pages and includes methods to navigate forward and backward through a history, zoom in and out, perform text searches and more.

Apart loading from the web, this component supports loading from assets (location file:///android_asset/, this folder must be called "assets" and be present in the project root) or other arbitrary folder. It also supports JavaScript but it is disabled by default and must be explicitly turned on.

Documentation for WebView.

7082 questions
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Can't scrub video in Webview provided by WebViewClient's shouldInterceptRequest

I am overriding WebViewClient's shouldInterceptRequest method to provide a local video stream. The video plays and pauses fine, but the user can't scrub at all--playback just continues from the same spot. How can I make it so the user can change…
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what's the purpose of WebViewClient.onLoadResource

I would like to ask the purpose the WebViewClient.onLoadResource even we can get this callback when webkit tries to load resource but since its return type is void what can we anything in this function??? I know in API 11 there's a…
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Is it possible to catch native Exception in Java when Android WebView crashes?

There is a WebView in my app. Sometimes the WebView crashes after loading url. The crash may occur when executing some js code, since the logcat shows my APP exits unexpectedly after onLoadFinish. the cash log is: java.lang.Throwable: jni-crash …
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Remove download option from Webview when playing a video android

I am trying to develop an android application that fetches a video URL from database and play it on he Webview as it provides a stable output unlike Videoview as it sometimes throws he Cant play video exception on a perfectly working video and…
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Android Webview Rendering Issue

Since yesterday, there have been a lot of users experiencing issues like the screenshot. The page is a full page web view, and the displayed content is web content. The common thing among users who have experienced this problem is that they are…
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How to enable Google Translate in WebView Android App

I am working on a website to simply convert it into the android app using a WebView. The website has Google Translation and I want to achieve this functionality in the android WebView app. I have searched a lot about this but did not find a proper…
M Umer
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How to scroll WebView horizontally inside ViewPager2

I tried to implement view pager with webView as recycler view item. I can populate the view correctly, but it lead to weird behavior, here some things I noticed: 1)In the webView there is top navigation bar, that I need to scroll horizontally in…
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Espresso Web - How to click an element in an unnamed web view

I have a web view which loads another web view with in. The structure follows as below: Web view (name_1) View View Web view (No Name) Going through the UI test I end up needing to click an element in the inner web view after it gets created.…
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Get resource ids used by android context menu

My goal is to hide the default system context menu when selecting text within a web view and have my own custom menu that can trigger the original menu item actions. To do that I have to be able to identify what each menu item is so I can hook it up…
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Android SSL Certificate storage while using WebViewClient

When connecting to a secure SSL server, where is the SSL certificate stored in the Android device when we are using Android WebViewClient class? Based on my testing, this seem to be different from the device certificate store, which is…
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2 answers

Android WebView : Navigate to Url Hash without reloading using goBackOrForward

I want to navigate Angular single page application without reloading the webpage. On button click I'm calling following code to navigate. String fullUrl = ""; String hashUrl = "/page1"; public void goBackInWebView(String…
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Chrome 84 Webview update causes stuttering while rendering MediaStream - Samsung Tab A 8.0

This was all working just fine until the Chrome 84 update, with 85 not fixing it either. Disabling chrome altogether on the impacted devices is my only current workaround. I am trying to render the camera preview from a Samsung Galaxy Tab A inside a…
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My Webview App keeps crashing for messenger chat

Everything works as it should except messenger. Code if (url.startsWith("")) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(intent); return true; …
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How to hide bottom navagation bar when type in keyboard in webview

How do I hide bottom navigation bar when type in keyboard in WebView in a one of the fragment? This is my fragment: public class chatFragment extends Fragment { LinearLayout eLinearLayout_chat; WebView webView_chat; …
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editText.setText(string) does NOT work, but textView.setText (string) always works, strange difference

So I would that editText.setText (str) works the same as textView.setText (str) I'm sending a string from WebView to Android @JavascriptInterface. Strangely, EditText only makes setText (string) when the send button is clicked in the WebView as…
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