Questions tagged [android-studio-2.0]

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development. In version 2.0 it is based on IntelliJ 14.

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA. On top of the capabilities you expect from IntelliJ, Android Studio offers:

  • Flexible Gradle-based build system
  • Build variants and multiple apk file generation
  • Code templates to help you build common app features
  • Rich layout editor with support for drag and drop theme editing
  • lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems
  • ProGuard and app-signing capabilities
  • Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine
  • And much more


In version 2.0 it is based on IntelliJ 14.

345 questions
1 answer

Other Fragment is viewed above the current fragment changes on rotation with android studio navigation drawer template

Thank you for spending time on my qeustion. In my app I am using android studio navigation drawer template. But the problem is that, when I rotate the phone, the previous fragment's layout is shown above the current fragment. public class…
1 answer

Can't able to add favorite list using sharedpreference

here is the error Process: com.example.sonu.travelfreak, PID: 15374 java.lang.NullPointerException …
1 answer

CustomListViewAdapter isn't working

I am new to android and making an with toolbar, drawer, navigation list. and I used CustomlistviewAdapter to fill my list with its data. The code has no errors however when I run the program close once it starts. the problem is coming from the…
1 answer

Error after upgrading android studio 1 to 2 , won't launch

when i try to lunch android studio after upgrade i get Android studio Ver. info Java_Home environment variables
Mohamed Elrashid
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1 answer

Can i change title of my toolbar in my constructor if yes then how can it possible?

Can i change title of my toolbar in my constructor if yes then how can it possible? public DashboardFragment() { ((AppCompatActivity) this.getActivity()).getSupportActionBar().setTitle("DashBoard"); }
1 answer

Android Studio How to run application but it should not have launcher

I have an application which I simply want to run but it should not have launcher Icon. I have deleted this tag category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> But then Android studio starts to give error that Could not identify…
1 answer

Unable to push the generated APK file into the github repository from Android Studio

I have successfully pushed everything to GitHub from Android Studio, except the generated apk file. Can anyone help me how to push the apk file to the GitHub repo?
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4 answers

Fragment Recycler View doesn't get Populated with remote ddata when called on Main Activity

I am not sure what I'm missing now, when I try draggin on view where list is to appear I kinda shows the recycler view present but there is no data on it. I don't get any errors but no remote data is populated on view. I have a main activity that…
1 answer

How to format a ValueRange for the Google Spreadsheets API

I am trying to write to a spreadsheet using the API, and after reading the documentation, I saw that I needed use spreadsheets.values.update. However, the arguments to it are spreadsheet ID, range, and ValueRange. I know how to format the first…
2 answers

How to change TextView text persistently in Android?

I've tried using Thread, but it was unsuccessful, the textView didn't changed after I change the TextView text using EditText as input. Help me, please! Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run()…
4 answers

Confirm closing the app on back pressed ONLY in MainAcitity?

I want the user to confirm closing my app. I use the following code for that in my MainActivity: @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (this.lastBackPressTime < System.currentTimeMillis() - 4000) { toast = Toast.makeText(this,…
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1 answer

scrollable tabs custom user Interface

I am working on a Scrollable tabs and came to observe a custom scrollable tabe in a mediaplayer app but don't know what is used in this as per my knowledge it is like scrollable tabs.Any hint how to achieve this while changing from one fragment to…
4 answers

moving code to AsyncTask

**Edit : solved ** I am testing sample code on AsyncTask functionality . But the dobackGround() Method is not calling the Code . I took the Help of some of the posts and Refactor my code , But still it is not working this is Main Layout
Neeraj Verma
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1 answer

How do I save a textView

How do I save a textView so when I close and relaunch the activity the text is still there? protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_current_homework); …
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2 answers

How to link radio button to a new Activity in Android Studio

HI everyone i am new to android programming just want to open new activity by selecting one of the radio button and then clicking on the submit button, just want to know how to link new activity to radiobutton and how it will intent by clicking on…
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