Questions tagged [android-scrollable-tabs]

22 questions
1 answer

ApplicationAdapter error when trying to get installed apps

I am have scrollable tabs in my action bar and in one of those tabs I am trying to get a list of user installed apps and used system apps, like Flipoard, youtube, messaging etc. (eventually in alphabetical order) I am trying to follow these, but I…
1 answer

how to make navigation drawer + scrollable tabs in a single app?

I first made scrollable tabs in my app and it is working perfectly then I also want to insert navigation drawer in this app .I coded all the thing but navigation drawer is not visible . i think this is because I made scrollable tabs main activity as…
0 answers

Adding Fixed image with Scrollable tabs

I am working on a project which contains same image(logo) on each layout. So i need to know if its possible to add image in scrollable tab layout (main layout using viewpager). If so how please help me with some code examples My Present Image My…
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Scrollable Tabs with adjustable height of the Tabs in android

I am trying to implement scrollable tabs with custom height of the tabs. I have searched a lot and found that even though ActionBar is the latest thing, it somehow doesn't support changing the height of the tab navigation bar. I know this has…
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2 answers

Can I embed scrollable tabs inside the action bar?

I'd like to have a layout where screen real estate is important on smaller screens, but I'd like users to be able to swipe between exactly two tabs. On these smaller screened devices, I don't want to waste an entire row with a scrollable tab widget…
1 answer

send data to second tab on click button(which is on first tab)

i have two Tabs as Tab1 and Tab2. On button click i want send list row data to send Tab , Following is my code. public class PagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter { int mNumOfTabs = 2; public…
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1 answer

scrollable tabs custom user Interface

I am working on a Scrollable tabs and came to observe a custom scrollable tabe in a mediaplayer app but don't know what is used in this as per my knowledge it is like scrollable tabs.Any hint how to achieve this while changing from one fragment to…