Questions tagged [android-json]

JSON stands for (Java Script Object Notation). It is a simple and light-weight data interchange format that can be easily read by humans and machines.Android includes the org.json library which allow working efficiently with JSON. This provides easy parsing of JSON data and creating JSON strings

580 questions
2 answers

Getting id from from JSON objects inside onItemClickListener

First of all I use volley library for my post request. In this case I retrieve as response from the server the following json format. {"status":"success","message":"Teams without a league have been found.", "teams":[{"ID":"31","team_name":"A…
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1 answer

Index out of bound exception in Android app

Hi in my android application I need to display a some details in list view based upon the date. When u open the application it get get data for the last Ten days and display that. This application was working fine in few days back but now its…
1 answer

java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

@Override protected JSONObject doInBackground(String... params) { String path = null; String response = null; HashMap request = null; JSONObject requestJson = null; DefaultHttpClient httpClient = null; …
John David
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1 answer

How to parse JSON data into android?

How do I parse below JSON data in android and I want to display it in a recycler…
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1 answer

Parsing Array of JSON Object in Android

I have some JSON with the following structure: { 0: { "msg_title": "question" "msg_id": "2716" "msg_body": "hi hello" "reply_time": "2015-12-04 06:55:16" "user_id": "40" "msg_status": "Sent" "total_replies": "0" }- …
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4 answers

org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject

I am new in android and i am using json to get data but i am getting this error org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject.How followed this solution but still i am getting error import android.content.Intent; import…
Anshul Khare
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2 answers

How to get value from json response in android?

I am facing some problem to get value from my json response. My Json response is as follows: { "changed": [ "username", "phone", "profile_picture", "public_ind" ], "failed": [] } Please anyone give me…
Anupam Roy
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2 answers

how to create a JSON format in android?

i want to create a json data to parse to service as a string, e.g. That string has to contain the data below. I have this data in the arraylist as a same name. { "ticket": "1-0006", …
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3 answers

Getting only first element of json

Trying to open this json on true response but gettong only first elemnt of this api_data. Unable to get the rest of the data. I tried below mentioned method to get the "api_data" but was unable to get, Not getting why rest of the data no available…
Viney Dhiman
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2 answers

How to parse this type of json array in android?

I have know to parser JSON array in single array but how to pass multiple JSON array and set it value to require …
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