Questions tagged [android-identifiers]

59 questions
0 answers

Can Settings.Secure.Android_ID be null?

I'm looking to use Settings.Secure.Android_ID in my app. However I was wondering if it could ever be null. According to one of the answers on the topic in 2010 it could be null (Is there a unique Android device ID?). However the Android official doc…
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Android Studio deletes ids used by

In Android Studio, when generating an APK for release, I tend to use the functionality Remove Unused Resources. If I check Delete unused @id declarations too it will delete ids, which are actually referenced by imports. Is…
0 answers

AndroidStudio always use @+id

I saw a lot of posts about the Difference between "@id/" and "@+id/" in Android, and correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that @+id is kind of a setter and @id is kind of a getter (broad simplification). Playing around with Android Studio, it seems…
Dan Chaltiel
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Get caller identity in service's onBind() in Android

In the onBind() method of a service I'd like to check whether the caller has a particular permission. For that I need to find the identity of the caller. I expected the following code to return the caller package name but instead I get the package…
2 answers

How do I get the String representation of a View's id

I have a view and i have it's resource id ( i.e. ) and i want to extract the xxx part and convert it to a String. Is that possible to do? Just to be clear, I have view.getId() a resource integer, not the actual name of the id.
0 answers

Resources identifiers to screen configurations

I'm developing an app and my current task is to support different screen sizes. My problem is that a lot of devices have the same identifiers. For example, large-hdpi supports Nexus 7, Galaxy Note & Galaxy Tab. But in the Note and Tab all layout…
0 answers

Generate UUID in Android Studio and use the same UUID after reinstalling the App

In this project that I'm working on, I want a unique ID for a Device that is using my App. I've decided to use UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) in my project. Basically what I want is to assign this UUID to any files generated by my App. My…
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1 answer

Android O device ID clarification

what does it mean by 'For apps installed on a device running Android 8.0, the value of ANDROID_ID is now scoped per app signing key, as well as per user. ' Is that means if…
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Is it possible to have android ID length less than 16?

I have used Android_ID as unique ID during my app registration. Since Android ID is 64 bit hex string, I considered it's length will be 16 and validating it during registration. But few of the android devices had the length as 15. If its 64 bit hex…
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What is the format of a Windows Phone Advertising ID string? What is the typical length?

What are examples of the Device ID unique to Windows Phones? As I do not have a Windows phone, I cannot look up any values myself. Specifically I'm wondering about the typical length of Advertising IDs that Windows uses that are similar to…
Glenn Strycker
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3 answers

Android: Android ID changes on App Update. Something Unique instead?

I get android id with code below: DeviceID = Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); But it changes on every update. Is it wrong way to get it or is there anything different that i can use, that never…
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2 answers

How to Generate the ID of a Random Toggle Button, Then SetChecked(True) That Specific Toggle Button

I have two ToggleButtons and I want to be able to randomly select the id of one of those buttons, and set check that button to true. I tried This but is does not work as setChecked is not available for an Int or String. Any help would be much…
1 answer

In android version 4.0 or higher, is ANDROID_ID completely unique?

In android version 4.0 or higher, is the bellow androidId completely unique? androidId = android.provider.Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(),android.provider.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
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Wont find R.Id. in fragment

I'm trying to get a text view to link to a site, but it won't find the id from xml in android. Any help would be great. Here's the code It wont find the public class Fragment_2 extends Fragment{ public View…
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Is it possible to get the resource ID of the applied theme to a specific View?

Given a View, is it possible to get the resource ID of the currently-applied theme? I don't mean to the whole activity (though it would inherit from that theme if there's no specific view applied to it), I mean, if I have: